Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flock of Seagals.

Quote(s) of The Day

It is much easier to turn friendship into love, than love into friendship.

Video(s) of The Day

The Teacher 

   Oh hey.  It's been a while since I last posted, but here I am again, on the prowl.  This might be a bit dated, but a few weeks ago Lyoto Michida of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) devastated a legend of the game, Randy Couture.  It ended by KO, front kick, via his inner Anderson Silva.  Unfortunately we can't give full credit to either Silva or Machida, simply because they had help.  They were taught by an Aikido master and self proclaimed master of the martial arts, Steven Seagal.  This is a great topic to cover because he is a great character.  You may think he is acting but this is how he really lives his life, which to me is amazing.
    First we have a video of him demonstrating his Aikido skills on what you have to believe are really terrible actors. (Just like himself)  I just can't see him being good at anything, but apparently he is just so good that he's bad.
When I watched this video I thought that there is no way that those guys weren't paid to flop around and make him look like a god. 
Well anyway it's true that he taught Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida because there is proof of him actually teaching them... video proof.  I don't know how many sessions they had or how intense the training was, but we can all agree that he must have done something right.
 In those videos you can actually see him teaching them the front kicks, which I guess were very potent kicks.  For some reason I can't see him being a student of the game.  I can see him teaching for some crazy reason though.  Every time I see him on T.V. I imagine him being some crazy martial arts guy that everyone knows is full of sh*t.  Something more like this (forgive the subtitles)
I had said this before on another media, but after what he did for Silva and Machida, I would have not been surprised to see Steven Seagal standing behind Obama during the press conference about Bin Laden's death.  We can only hope that when cancer is cured and when the AIDS virus is wiped out, that somehow Steven Seagal had his hand in it.  It would only make sense that a "great" man can accomplish so much in his lifetime.  I wait on bated breath for his next appearance in the world of martial arts, or the entertainment world.  If you really want to laugh at this guy then take a look at this video a friend of mine sent me and you'll realize that maybe we shouldn't pay any mind to him. 
  Alright well this wraps up another post and I'll see you next time.  More than likely with some fun things.  Take care and thanks again for reading my verbal diarrhea. 

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