Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oh Hey Everyone! Stay Tuned It's Coming Back.

Oh hey readers.  I have a lot of things coming down the pipes and they will be interesting... well to me at least.  sorry for the hiatus, but life took over for a short while.  take care and I will be updating on a regular basis again.  Take it easy.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Movie Mania!

Quote(s) of The Day

Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love.  -Charles M. Schulz

Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

Video(s) of The Day

I Want To See All Of These!!

   Oh hey.  Can you believe it, three days in a row I've been writing haha.  Today's topic is about awesome movies I'm very much looking forward to seeing.  Some are very well known movies, but some are movies I think have a great cinematic quality to them.  I have a weird sense of what I think is a good movie, but from what I've seen I think most of you will want to see them too. Some of these movies are hitting theaters this weekend, so you can bet I'm gonna be seeing these films.  Let's start with the movies that are dropping this week at a theater near you. 
   The Hangover Part 2 is probably on everyone's list of movies to see this week.  If it isn't I don't know what other movie you're dying to see... maybe Kung Fu Panda which also comes out this week (I do want to see that movie too)  From what I've been hearing is that Part 2 of the Hangover is going to live up to the hype.  Some say that is could be funnier than its predecessor, which not a lot of movies are able to do.  So here's a trailer for both movies coming out, The Hangover 2 and Kung Fu Panda.

   There are just so many movies I want to see this year.  There are a few movies I want to see because of the way they were filmed and some because they have really good writing.  Others I just want to see because of the entertainment value.  Take the new Transformer movie, Transformers: Dark of the Moon.  This one looks like the first one and that means it's just a fun movie.  Big ass robots beating the crap out of things? I'm in.  Check out the trailer.

  One of the films I really want to see is called The Silent House.  It was released already back in April, but not in America.  So when they decide to release it here either on DVD or in theaters I'm going to see it.  The thing that caught my eye about this film is that it's shot in one continuous shot.  No post edit cuts stitched together, which is something I've never seen before.  I'm more curious to see how they pulled it off and if they were able to without it being cheesy.  Here's the trailer for it. 

Since that last one was a out of the blue choice I think I'll keep it going with this next movie.  It's called trip and it will most likely not be on many peoples movie radars.  It looks to be a funny misadventure of two traveling friends.  I'm a fan of Steve Coogan and he, and Rob Brydon, look to be very funny duo in this movie.  I'm sure after seeing the trailer some of you will want to see it too. 

  Ok ok let's get really obscure with movies I want to see and let's go with a movie called 'Beginners.'  This movie looks to be a heartfelt movie that will be very enjoyable to watch.  I don't know if I'll catch it in theaters, but if someone wants to go with me to see it I'll be more than willing to go.  It has one of my favorite actors Ewan McGreggor and it looks like it has a good plot. 
  Time for some comedies that look to be good for a casual movie night.  Horrible Bosses looks like it could be a winner.  The comedy is good and it has some smart dialogue.  Another good aspect of this movie is Jason Bateman is in it, along with Colin Farrell, and they usually don't do bad work... usually. Overall it looks to be a movie to get a few one liners and some good laughs. 

  One movie I'm quite interested in seeing later this year is "The Adventures of Tin Tin."  I've said it before and Tin Tin is the sh*t.  It was a British Cartoon show that was brought over to America.  It very entertaining and the movie coming out looks to be just as good as the show was.  Another exciting thing about it is that Steven Spielberg is the director behind it, so that can only mean awesome is the become of this movie.  

   This is only a small portion of the movies I want to see this year.  There were a few more that caught my attention, but I'll spare you some time.  There just seems like a lot of good movies are coming out this year and I want to see all of them.  I know that I'll have to wait till Redbox has them a few months after their theatrical release, but that's fine with me.  If anyone cares to join me in seeing any of these movies hit me up and I'll be willing to go, I'll even buy the popcorn.  
   Well this wraps up another boring ass post about the things floating in my head.  Thanks again for stopping by.  Take care and have a good day! Till next time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Video Game Inspired Crazy Stuff

Quote(s) of The Day 

The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character.

Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon.

Video(s) of The Day

Video Game Nerd Stuff

   Oh hey there.  I've come across a ton of things on the internet and a lot of them are themed towards video games and their consumers.  It's a different age we live in where video games aren't just for the nerds and geeks.  It's widely accepted and more of a norm now than before.  They are like movies, you go in get entertained and leave, just like video games.  Only difference is that you can control the outcomes.  I'd like to say I'm a fairly seasoned video game player, and not to toot my own horn but a very skilled one too.  Anyway I found some things that were inspired by video games and were weaved into the fabric of the social society.  

   This band made a music video purely based off video games.  There are so many video game references it's hard to keep up.  It's a pretty catchy song to boot, check it out. 
 It has things from Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Wars, Excite Bike, Duck Hunt, and the list goes on and on.  I tip my hat off to them for cramming dozens of things into this four minute video. 
   They even have art shows on video game art.  Some of these pieces are quite good and really take a artistic look into the world of video games.  Even though some people might argue that video games aren't art, this clearly proves that you can make art from them at least. 
 Donkey Kong


   This next video is one of my all time favorite mash ups.  It's from an animator name Paul Robertson and he is the ultimate crazy ass.  His stuff is over the top and overflowing with video game references.  This video is sorta weird, but entertaining nonetheless. 

   The video game scene has gotten so bad that even major cartoonists are referencing certain iconic characters.  Take Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family guy, he uses video game references all the time and this next clip is him poking fun at the original Super Mario game. 

   People always make funny skits about video games take this video that the funny folks at college humor have written.  It's very true about the logic of most video games. 

   If you're a gamer, embrace it.  If you aren't get with it, it's different times and video games are all around.  Hope that everyone is enjoying their week so far.  Till next time take care and thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saving The Day

Quote(s) of The Day

If a tree falls on a woman and there is no one around to hear it, why was there a tree in the kitchen?

Facts are the enemy of truth

Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose.

In love, it is better to know and be disappointed, than to not know and always wonder?

Video(s) of The Day

Here to Save The Day!

   Oh hey Shore Break readers.  While watching one of my favorite movies, Die Hard, I got to thinking how unrealistic that movie actually is.  But if you think about who you would want to save the world based on their movie persona, who would you choose?  I got to thinking, and these are my top eight movie heroes that I'd want to save me in a dire situation.
8.)  Mila Jovovich
  Mila is one tough chick.  Also she is very good looking.  If you don't know who she is, she plays a badass in the Resident Evil movie franchise.  She's a zombie killing machine and knows how to get the job done.  She also played an ass kicking ultimate being in the movie The Fifth Element.  In that movie she was literally called perfect, which isn't to far from the truth.  She knows how to take care of herself and knows how to save the day.  

7.)Chuck Norris
  I will probably die when Chuck Norris finds out he's only number seven on this list.  He is definitely a man I'd want to save the day, simply because he's rugged and is a big bucket full of win.  He won't take no sh*t from anyone, whether it be terrorists or otherwise.  Let me hit you with a few facts why he's so amazing.  
Chuck Norris can buy a Sad Meal at McDonald's.  Chuck Norris can cut through a hot knife with butter. Those are just a sample of the awesome that this man has.

6.)  Wesley Snipes
 The blackest man on Earth has real life experience to save the day.  Take for example his technique to not pay taxes and to actually know how to fight.  He also kills vampires without hesitation.  (I actually put him on this list as a form of affirmative action)

5.)  Harrison Ford
  Harrison Ford has saved the day on many occasions, destroying the death star, finding the holy grail thus saving his dying father, saved his family from terrorists on a plane.  All great attributes for getting on this list.  He knows how to rally people and can do it all in a fedora if needed.

4.) Daniel Craig
  When you play James Bond the way he does, I'd pick this man to save the world all the time.  He has swag and moxie.  When you play the best secret agent ever you can only hope that if you were ever in the situation to save the world that some of those skills will come in handy.  No matter the odds he will defy them and come through in a pitch.  Not even death can stop him, as he dies in one of the movies and miraculously gets brought back to life and saves the day.  Though some of his successes were more luck than skill, it's still pretty amazing. 

3.) The Rock

   Let's face it.  You will never be The Rock, and you will never find anyone that is more willing to save the world than this guy.  It might not be the safest way to save the planet, but he'll get the job done.  More than likely everything you own will be destroyed in the world saving process, but hey you'll be alive... barely

2) Bruce Willis
 This is the average Joe man that gets sh*t done.  He saved the world in the Fifth Element with Mila Jovovich and he stopped Hans Gruber the terrorist in Die Hard.  He later thwarted the plans of a mad bomber in New York city.  When it comes down to the bottom line, his grit, tenacity, and smarts will ultimately save the day and get everyone to safety.  

1) Arnold Schwarzenegger
 Come on, this mother f*cker has killed everything under the sun and things that didn't even live on our planet.  He's even taught kindergarten kids... when he isn't maliciously killing.  He's even protected the hopes and dreams of the future by going back in time and saving John Connor.  He isn't exactly the best choice for the job, but he has killed so many people he would do it without discourse or remorse.  He would be a robot for hire to kill and complete his objective.  Then after he finishes his mission he'll throw out a snarky quip that makes you cringe. 

Friday, May 20, 2011


Quote(s) of The Day

Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.

Video(s) of The Day

Soup and Tea For Me
     Oh hey.  Happy Aloha Friday once again, or as some would call it Rapture eve.  This is going to be an extremely short post today, because I'm coughing up stuff I didn't know the human body could produce.  It's pretty miserable coughing your lungs up and having your throat get raw.  It's only a matter of time before I start coughing up some of my precious blood.  I've been on meds and actually getting adequate amounts of sleep.  I just can't kick it.  The good thing is that I'm not breaking out in a fever or bed ridden, but it's just a gross feeling.  I do however want to setup a prank for tomorrow's big rapture.  Even if it did happen (just in case you're wondering it won't happen) I won't be getting a ticket up to the heavens above, cause quite frankly I'm a shitty person.  So back to the prank, I'm planning on setting up sets of my unwanted clothes and shoes and leave them arranged on sidewalks and lawns around my apartment complex.  It's probably going to be funnier for my apartment complex because most of them are Mexican, and their buddy Jesus isn't going to be taking them.  I knew that saving my old clothes and shoes would come in handy.  I will be taking pictures of this for my enjoyment and for the blog.  I don't know how Jesus could come down and not save everyone and how he could rain down hate and suffering for the people who aren't taken in the initial Rapture, I mean look at this picture. 
    Alright like I said this is going to be a short one, so take care everyone.  Stay healthy.  Laters

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bucket List

Quote(s) of The Day

Computers can figure out all kinds of problems, except the things in the world that just don't add up.

Knowing that there is worse pain doesn't make present pain hurt any less.
Video(s) of The Day

Before It's To Late

    Oh hey.  Sorry once again for not keeping current with things on this blog, but life has been hectic and I lost concentration. I'm going to try and make up for lost time by having quality post (well after this post) and interesting stories and adventures.  I'm working on some big things, and since I can't share it with just one person, I'm going to share it with the world.
    This might be a little strange for you reading it and for me writing it, but I thought of things that I would want to do before I die 250 years from now.  (Yes, I'm going to live that long.)  Chances are I won't be able to do all these things, but hey a man can dream.  All of these are real things that are quite possible, only thing is finding the money to do it.  Unlike so many of my other lists, this has no specific order to them.  They are literally just thrown together instead of listed from importance.  So let's jump right into it.

1)  I want to be able to take a space shuttle past our atmosphere and experience complete zero G.

2)  Experience a real ghost phenomena

3)  Get drunk in a church (idea from Keoki)

4)  Plant a tree and watch it grow

5)  Learn to play a classical instrument like the piano or violin

6)  Act in a film.  It can be one I write and shoot or otherwise

7)  Live somewhere for a year that experiences all four seasons.

8)  See the Norther Lights

9)  Scuba Dive at the Great Barrier Reef

10)  Be a raw vegan for half a year

11)  Watch the cherry blossoms in Japan

12)  I want to learn sign language

13)  Go to a sky lantern festival

14)  Have my dream house, that I have designed

15)  Visit Stonehenge

16)  Ride a camel

17)  Bury a time capsule with key memoirs in a secret location

18)  Experience true love

19)  Pay for a strangers groceries

20)  Take a train cross country

21)  Skydive

22)  Run with the bulls

23)  Live in Australia for at least a decade

24)  Climb the statue of liberty

25)  Participate in La Tomatina

26) Solve a Rubik's cube

27)  Meet the President that is currently in office.

28)  Work on a farm for a week

29)  Have a child

30)  Attend a Super Bowl game

31)  Attend the Olympics

32)  I want to eat fugu (blowfish)

33)  Set foot on all seven continents 

34)  Spontaneously walk into the airport and randomly buy a same-day ticket to wherever looks appealing.

35)  Own a small bar or restaurant with live music

36)  Experience a miracle

37)  Catch a marlin

38)  Read all the works of Stephen King (my favorite author)

39)  Participate in a food challenge and conquer it.

40)  Build my own computer.

41)  Buy every item on a McDonald's menu.

42)  Travel to every state and visit it's greatest attraction

43)  Buy everyone in a bar a drink

44) Tie up loose ends with people I have wronged in the past

45)  Send a message in a bottle

46)  Oktoberfest in Munich dressed in lederhosen

47)  Live a week with no cell phone, computer, television, car, etc.

48)  Make fire the old fashioned way, by rubbing sticks together.

49)  Learn to ice skate

50)  Eat at a 5 star restaurant

   These are just 50 of the things on that list.  There are more and I will post them on a later blog, but for now I wanted to keep it brief since I haven't been writing a lot lately.  I probably won't have another blog up for a couple days since I have a lot coming up, but I will be writing a lot more next week.  Stay tuned because big things are right around the corner.  I will be posting a video blog soon and hopefully some other great ideas will flood into my head by the time the next post is up. Till next time. Laters

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flock of Seagals.

Quote(s) of The Day

It is much easier to turn friendship into love, than love into friendship.

Video(s) of The Day

The Teacher 

   Oh hey.  It's been a while since I last posted, but here I am again, on the prowl.  This might be a bit dated, but a few weeks ago Lyoto Michida of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) devastated a legend of the game, Randy Couture.  It ended by KO, front kick, via his inner Anderson Silva.  Unfortunately we can't give full credit to either Silva or Machida, simply because they had help.  They were taught by an Aikido master and self proclaimed master of the martial arts, Steven Seagal.  This is a great topic to cover because he is a great character.  You may think he is acting but this is how he really lives his life, which to me is amazing.
    First we have a video of him demonstrating his Aikido skills on what you have to believe are really terrible actors. (Just like himself)  I just can't see him being good at anything, but apparently he is just so good that he's bad.
When I watched this video I thought that there is no way that those guys weren't paid to flop around and make him look like a god. 
Well anyway it's true that he taught Anderson Silva and Lyoto Machida because there is proof of him actually teaching them... video proof.  I don't know how many sessions they had or how intense the training was, but we can all agree that he must have done something right.
 In those videos you can actually see him teaching them the front kicks, which I guess were very potent kicks.  For some reason I can't see him being a student of the game.  I can see him teaching for some crazy reason though.  Every time I see him on T.V. I imagine him being some crazy martial arts guy that everyone knows is full of sh*t.  Something more like this (forgive the subtitles)
I had said this before on another media, but after what he did for Silva and Machida, I would have not been surprised to see Steven Seagal standing behind Obama during the press conference about Bin Laden's death.  We can only hope that when cancer is cured and when the AIDS virus is wiped out, that somehow Steven Seagal had his hand in it.  It would only make sense that a "great" man can accomplish so much in his lifetime.  I wait on bated breath for his next appearance in the world of martial arts, or the entertainment world.  If you really want to laugh at this guy then take a look at this video a friend of mine sent me and you'll realize that maybe we shouldn't pay any mind to him. 
  Alright well this wraps up another post and I'll see you next time.  More than likely with some fun things.  Take care and thanks again for reading my verbal diarrhea. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Luau and Concert Ridden Weekend.

Quote(s) of The Day

 Obstacles are what you see, when you lose sight of your goal.

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

Courage is the mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

Video(s) of The Day

 Let's Try Get Some Distractions Going

   Oh hey... I am not really in the mood to try and be funny so I'm just gonna tell you what I have planned for this weekend.  I am going to head down to UC Irvine and get a quick boxing session in with a buddy of mine.  Then I'm going to attend their luau Saturday night, eat some food that isn't part of my diet, and hopefully enjoy an entertaining show.  Then on Sunday I'm going to go see SOJA at the House Of Blues in Anaheim.  It should be a good weekend to clear my mind a little bit.  I hope to see some faces I haven't seen in a while and catch up a little bit.  For people who aren't familiar with SOJA I'm going to post some of my favorite songs that they have.  They aren't like the last band I posted, Katchafire, but they are a very good band and one of my favorites.  So enjoy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Want Food!!

Quote(s) of The Day

Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller with every mistake you make.

I felt it shelter to speak to you.  ~Emily Dickinson
Video(s) of The Day

Things I Can't Eat.

     Oh hey everyone.  It's been a couple days, but I'm back.  Since I've been trying this new "eat healthy" thing I look at all the foods I want to eat, but can't.  So since I can't eat these foods, I might as well talk about them, then at the end break down what I'm actually eating.  
    So I'm pretty annoyed at Pizza Hut because they seem to want to torture me with their new Ultimate Stuffed Crust pizza, which is just your normal stuffed crust pizza... with toppings also loaded into the crust.  Every time I see the commercial on T.V. I want to order two of them.  I love stuffed crust pizza, but I'd much rather have a Papa John pizza.  Papa Johns makes amazing quality pizza for a commercial pizzeria.  They make amazing pizzas and to set them apart from the rest is their awesome garlic sauce.  I don't stray to far from the trite and true toppings of Italian sausage and mushroom, but when you have a garlic sauce like they do, you can afford to experiment with topping and still have an amazing pizza.  
   The next thing I hate to give up is burgers.  I love fast food and what's more fast food than burgers?  Nothing is the answer to that rhetorical question.  I am a sucker for the 4x4 at In-N-Out.

 I simply can't get by on just a double double, so I go big with the 4x4 and you can't forget the animal style fries.

  Any type of fries you need to use a fork to eat, is more than likely not going to be good for you.  If you don't like hamburgers you are unpatriotic and will be shunned accordingly.  I do love other burger joints such as McDonalds and Jack In The Box, but in terms of quality you can't beat In-N-Out.  
    One thing that I've been craving for a while now is a good ol California burrito. 

I had never heard of these till about a year ago, and let me tell you, these were handcrafted by the Gods themselves.  What it is, is an order of carne asade fries wrapped up with all the making of a standard burrito.  The first time I was told of this marvelous invention I knew I had to try one and it did not disappoint.   It may not be authentic Mexican food, but it sure feels dirty when I eat it. 
    So one of the big things I needed to give up was drinking.  I would be drinking every weekend, and that would be no bueno.  It wouldn't get out of control drinking (only a couple times) but it's definitely not healthy for body and mind.  It was mostly beer and sometimes Crown Royal, but they were just empty calories and mostly at the end of the day where I was the least active.  
     So I've started to try and lose 20-25 lbs. and it doesn't come easy.  The food choices aren't as good when you're cutting weight.  I've been eating mostly salads (Cobb salads are awesome), ground turkey, and tons of fruits and vegetables.  They thing that sucks most about this is that the portions are tiny and I get hungry very very fast.  I just hope all this pays off in the end, and I have my reasons for doing this that no one knows of.  I mean I want to be healthier, but there are other reasons why I'm going through all this trouble.  So far my progress has been good, and I'm seeing results.  I hope that when I go home during summer I can keep up and not fall prey to the deliciousness of the foods back home. 
   So I have the game for the contest and I will post it when I get 1000 views.  It will test peoples guessing skills.  Keep on the lookout for that soon.  And hopefully soon this blog will get an overhaul with another new look and another section of the blog posted from someone else.  So until next time take care everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Travels!

Quote(s) of The Day

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day, you'll look back and realize they were actually the big things.
Video(s) of The Day

  Contest Hint:

    Oh hey.  So here's a hint for the upcoming contest. 
If you know what that is it'll be easier for you.  If not, kick rocks homie.

All Around The World

  Oh hey again.  Happy Aloha Friday once again!  So here we are now, and I'm going to talk about my travels and what fun things I've done while there.  I have some of the best memories from traveling, and I wouldn't have been able to do it if I never played baseball and for my loving parents.  These trips were baseball tournaments and some were better than others, in terms of how we did in the tournament and how much fun we had when we weren't playing ball.  I was a part of an AAU baseball club and we were comprised of players all over Oahu.  The first tournament we went to was held in Kansas.  I didn't really know what was in store for me on this trip.  First off my reaction to being on a traveling team was pure excitement.  I felt like it would be a great experience and who wouldn't want to travel across the US and play ball?  When it was time to play, I remember that the fields we played on were softball fields and they were an all dirt field.  For our first tournament as a newly put together team we did alright.  We didn't win that tournament, but I do remember stuff that happened after we got knocked out.  Kansas isn't exactly a attraction heavy state, they did however have Wizard of Oz merchandise in every store you walked into.  We did however end up at an amusement park called World of Fun.

  I don't know about "worlds" of fun, but it was fun.  Roller coasters and games everywhere.  It's like a bigger more ride oriented Knott's Berry Farm.  It was a pretty big place considering that they probably don't generate a huge amount of revenue.  Right next to it was their water park, Oceans of Fun.  We didn't get to go there because no one was dressed to get wet, but let me tell you it would have been the best decision to just rush it in jeans cause it was hot as sh*t.  You got instant magnet balls and swamp ass.  If you don't know what that is don't worry about it.  One thing I remember was one of the rides we we're going to go on was called the Mamba.  It was a roller coaster with an initial drop of 205 ft. and the thing that sketched me out the most was that it broke down right before we rode it.  One of the wheels on the cart was coming loose and so they shut it down for about 30 minutes.  At that point I was having second thoughts about going on it.  They got it running again, and we all went on it.  Another great memory I had of this trip was back at our hotel.  It was setup like a small apartment complex and there was a pool in the middle.  During our down time we were just hanging out by the pool and no one but our team was using it.  Then out of nowhere these two older girls came to the pool and started hanging out with us and talking with us.  We kept trying to get them in the pool, and one of them threw caution into the wind and jumped in... with her jeans and shirt.  Caught us all off guard and we were all like,
They kept coming around and hanging out with us when we were back at the hotel.  One of our teammates was trying to DG (drop game) on them super hard. 
    The next trip we went on was to Minnesota.  This trip was a little different.  We had a host family that would take us places of interest and make sure we knew where we were going.  They were the nicest people in the world and they had the biggest house and property I've ever seen.  The had a two story house and their backyard had a garden, basketball court, 50 yard football field, trampoline, and behind the tall grass past the football field was a lake.   Weird thing about it was that the boy in the family didn't have nice shoes.  They were all beaten up and had holes in them.  I found that to be weird, because they had all this money to spend on outdoor activities, but they couldn't afford new sneakers for the kid, but I digress.  The tournament, again, didn't turn out in our favor.  We did however win the sportsmanship award for being the nicest team in the tournament.  We didn't get crushed in the tournament, but we just didn't win.  After we lost, we had free time again.  We ended up going to the Mall of America, the largest mall in the world.

  It was massive.  We didn't get to see the whole mall in one day, mainly because of the size, but also because it had a mini amusement park in the center of the mall.  The parents went around the mall shopping while the kids wasted time at the amusement park.  It was Camp Snoopy when we went, but upon looking at their website it has changed to Nickelodean Universe.  That trip was good fun.
    Next up we went to the baseball capital of the world which was by far the craziest trip ever.  We went to Cooperstown, New York. 

Where the baseball hall of fame lies and let me tell you about the town.  Every store in on the main street was baseball items.  If you weren't selling baseball cards or autographed baseball helmets, you were selling custom made baseball bats.  (Those were awesome)  So this tournament was quite different from the other ones were participated in, mainly because we were awesome.  We slept on the premises of the tournament in big metal cabins and literally the beds were bunk cots.  For it being summer time it was still relatively cold, but manageable.  We played a gamut of teams, even another team from Hawaii, which we killed.  I will never forget this one team we played against called The Dream Eagles.  They were the youngest team in the tournament and they were in our bracket.  We ran through them with a score of 30-1.  One inning the pitcher on the other team left his batting helmet on because "We were hitting to hard."  Bless their hearts they were trying, but you gotta feel slightly bad about it.  So the rest of the tournament we run through the competition and make it all the way to the championship game.  The crazy thing about it too was the fan base we had acquired during the tournament.  During the meal before the game, all the teams met in the food tent, (Where we were served our cafeteria type food)  and the tournament director came and was announcing what time the game started and who the two teams were.  When we were announced that we were in the championship game, the whole tent erupted in a "Hawaii" chant.  They were all rooting for us.  Unfortunately the final game didn't turn out in our favor.  I can't remember the score, but it was something like 5-2.  It was a heart breaking game, but our team however did manage to get into the youth baseball hall of fame.  Also we got to visit the real baseball hall of fame.  It was a very nice museum with tons of stats and history.  I had gotten super sick during the end of this trip, but that couldn't slow us down because we had another tournament right after in Florida.
    As soon as we were done with the tournament in New York, we had another tournament right after in Florida.  The tournament was held at the Disney World Sports Complex inside the Disney World resort.  The fields were amazing and the atmosphere was crazy.  Another thing that I will never forget was the deadly humidity there.  It was so muggy it was uncomfortable even just sitting in the shade.  Also the weather changed so fast.  One minute it's a nice day, then the next it's thunder storming.  I think we were just a little to burned out from the last tournament and from traveling that we didn't do well.  We won a couple games, but got knocked out pretty early.  That was cool with me because that meant more free time to explore Disney World.  That place is like another country.  They is just so much to do and see that it's a little overwhelming at times, but still always fun.  We also got to go to the Kennedy Space center which was f*cking cool as Hell.
I'm a huge space nerd and to be somewhere where they actually launch stuff into space was just cool to me.  We got to see parts of the ISS (International Space Station) being built and we even got to stand next to a space shuttle.  It was an overall amazing experience and I would love to go back there, maybe just go back to Florida to experience it all over again.
    I will never forget these travels and I left out a bunch of stuff because there was just to many memories to type out.  I'd be happy to tell anyone about the things I left out if you ever wanted to hear them.  I'm like a kid with an extra chromosome, down.  Well I hope that everyone is having an awesome day, and I hope you also have an amazing weekend.  Take care and till next time. Laterz.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Favorite Gump-isms

Quote(s) of The Day

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Video(s) of The Day

Words Of Wisdom

    Oh hey everyone!  I just want to start off by saying congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law on their beautiful baby girl, and my niece, Kira Lani Darling.  I can't wait to go home and meet her!  Also I would like to be called uncle from now on.
   Now on to the post.  So one of the more fun things to do when hanging out with a few of my friends is to use Forrest Gump quotes in every day life.  They might not even fit the situation or we might not even be talking about anything at all, but somehow a Gump-ism will appear from the blackness of time and space.  In my opinion they never get old and the more obscure the quote is the funnier it is.  For example when you use the "But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan" line, it's always a winner.

  This next Gump-ism is a great one and makes me laugh still.  The scene where Forrest is recovering from being shot in the buttock and is next to Lt. Dan.  He offer him ice cream and well, just check out the clip.

   This next one is just a sound clip, but when you use this one it's pretty deep and metaphorical.  It's such a classic line and this is what I mean when I say obscure lines that aren't mainstream lines of the movie like, "Stupid is as stupid does" or "life is like a box of chocolates...."

    This next Gump-ism, well there are a few, but the lines in particular are the, "we would take these real long walks, and we were always looking for this guy named Charlie." and "...Get down and shut up..."  Literally the first minute into this next clip has some of the best Gump-isms.  The whole scene is actually very good, so enjoy it and the many quotes that are associated with this part.  Even the rain scene in this part has awesome quotes.  

    A wise man always invests in a fruit company.  It'll make you a gazillionaire

   If you haven't seen Forrest Gump you are doing yourself a disservice and you will pay for your crimes against humanity.  I highly recommend that you watch it and try not to fall in love with the dialogue and the memorable quotes.  Also there is a very heart felt story to it all.  If you ever want an uplifting movie that you can watch over and over again, this is the movie for you.  Nothing flashy about it, just a good story and some damn fine acting.  (Tom Hanks never goes full retard)  You might even shed a tear.  If you don't believe me one of the best scenes in the movie, and one of the saddest, is this one.

   I know I missed some classic lines, like " I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party" or "If I was going somewhere, I was running!" but I just don't have the time to search everywhere for them.  You should just watch the film and relive your favorite line(s).  I'd like to know what your favorite Gump-ism is, so hit up the comment section below and let me know.  
   So I know I said something about a contest a few weeks back and that is still coming.  I know I said it would be simple, but I kinda like a challenge.  So I will be making a small game out of it and people who read the Shore Break808 when it's first posted will have more time to figure the puzzle out.  Everyone will have a fair-ish enough advantage at the prize.  Here's a hint, if you have a smart phone you will have an easier time. (Not needed, but will greatly increase your chances)  So stay tuned to the next installment of the SHORE BREAK 808 HAPPY HOUR! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Aquarium Madness

Quote(s) of The Day
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him do a backflip.

If somebody's presence does not add value to your life..Then their absence should make no difference.
Video(s) of The Day

Swimming In a Hobby

    Oh hey.  I was thinking about certain things and how much fun it was to have a big fish tank.  It was a fun hobby and it was pretty exciting watching your hard work thrive and grow. It started off with just some starter fish like guppies and comets, but soon got more advanced with cichlids and different types of arowana.  If I could afford the maintenance and a brand new 50 gal tank I'd start it up again.  I would also set it up with fish that I really want.  Let me run you through some of the fish I had and some of the fish I would've loved to have.
    Oscars are very easy to raise and very easy to get.  Almost all pet stores that sell fish will have a type of cichlid and more than likely it will be an oscar.  I had both an albino tiger oscar and a regular tiger oscar.  They were very entertaining to watch because they were carnivorous and curiously fast for their size.

  Other fish I had were just filler fish to make the tank look a little more active and appealing.  Plus they had to had some size to them so the oscars and arowana didn't eat them.  They ranged from gouramis to bala sharks.  I also had clown loaches and a pleco to clean up the bottom.


Bala Shark
Clown Loaches


    The fish that I had a rough time with were also the most expensive.  They were so damn strong and one of them literally jump up knocked my tank lid completely off and then proceeded to leap out of the tank and kill itself.  I had a silver Arowana and a Jardini Arowana not at the same time, but they were a handful and they were very difficult to own.  The silvers were hard cause they were so damn fragile when they are juveniles.  The Jardini on the other hand are just to strong for its own good and was ultimately his downfall. 
Silver Arowana


   The one type of fish I really wanted was Red-line Torpedo barbs.  I really wanted them but they were pack fish and I wasn't going to spend $45 for one.  I'd have to get at least 3-4 or them and I didn't want to spend that type of money for them to die on me.  

    If I ever have enough money to purchase another 50 gallon tank I'm going to start it up again.  I might try get some exotic fish or since I live so close to the beach maybe just start a salt water tank.  It's so much fun to just sit and watch them.