Monday, April 18, 2011

Aquarium Madness

Quote(s) of The Day
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him do a backflip.

If somebody's presence does not add value to your life..Then their absence should make no difference.
Video(s) of The Day

Swimming In a Hobby

    Oh hey.  I was thinking about certain things and how much fun it was to have a big fish tank.  It was a fun hobby and it was pretty exciting watching your hard work thrive and grow. It started off with just some starter fish like guppies and comets, but soon got more advanced with cichlids and different types of arowana.  If I could afford the maintenance and a brand new 50 gal tank I'd start it up again.  I would also set it up with fish that I really want.  Let me run you through some of the fish I had and some of the fish I would've loved to have.
    Oscars are very easy to raise and very easy to get.  Almost all pet stores that sell fish will have a type of cichlid and more than likely it will be an oscar.  I had both an albino tiger oscar and a regular tiger oscar.  They were very entertaining to watch because they were carnivorous and curiously fast for their size.

  Other fish I had were just filler fish to make the tank look a little more active and appealing.  Plus they had to had some size to them so the oscars and arowana didn't eat them.  They ranged from gouramis to bala sharks.  I also had clown loaches and a pleco to clean up the bottom.


Bala Shark
Clown Loaches


    The fish that I had a rough time with were also the most expensive.  They were so damn strong and one of them literally jump up knocked my tank lid completely off and then proceeded to leap out of the tank and kill itself.  I had a silver Arowana and a Jardini Arowana not at the same time, but they were a handful and they were very difficult to own.  The silvers were hard cause they were so damn fragile when they are juveniles.  The Jardini on the other hand are just to strong for its own good and was ultimately his downfall. 
Silver Arowana


   The one type of fish I really wanted was Red-line Torpedo barbs.  I really wanted them but they were pack fish and I wasn't going to spend $45 for one.  I'd have to get at least 3-4 or them and I didn't want to spend that type of money for them to die on me.  

    If I ever have enough money to purchase another 50 gallon tank I'm going to start it up again.  I might try get some exotic fish or since I live so close to the beach maybe just start a salt water tank.  It's so much fun to just sit and watch them. 

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