Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Favorite Gump-isms

Quote(s) of The Day

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Video(s) of The Day

Words Of Wisdom

    Oh hey everyone!  I just want to start off by saying congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law on their beautiful baby girl, and my niece, Kira Lani Darling.  I can't wait to go home and meet her!  Also I would like to be called uncle from now on.
   Now on to the post.  So one of the more fun things to do when hanging out with a few of my friends is to use Forrest Gump quotes in every day life.  They might not even fit the situation or we might not even be talking about anything at all, but somehow a Gump-ism will appear from the blackness of time and space.  In my opinion they never get old and the more obscure the quote is the funnier it is.  For example when you use the "But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan" line, it's always a winner.

  This next Gump-ism is a great one and makes me laugh still.  The scene where Forrest is recovering from being shot in the buttock and is next to Lt. Dan.  He offer him ice cream and well, just check out the clip.

   This next one is just a sound clip, but when you use this one it's pretty deep and metaphorical.  It's such a classic line and this is what I mean when I say obscure lines that aren't mainstream lines of the movie like, "Stupid is as stupid does" or "life is like a box of chocolates...."

    This next Gump-ism, well there are a few, but the lines in particular are the, "we would take these real long walks, and we were always looking for this guy named Charlie." and "...Get down and shut up..."  Literally the first minute into this next clip has some of the best Gump-isms.  The whole scene is actually very good, so enjoy it and the many quotes that are associated with this part.  Even the rain scene in this part has awesome quotes.  

    A wise man always invests in a fruit company.  It'll make you a gazillionaire

   If you haven't seen Forrest Gump you are doing yourself a disservice and you will pay for your crimes against humanity.  I highly recommend that you watch it and try not to fall in love with the dialogue and the memorable quotes.  Also there is a very heart felt story to it all.  If you ever want an uplifting movie that you can watch over and over again, this is the movie for you.  Nothing flashy about it, just a good story and some damn fine acting.  (Tom Hanks never goes full retard)  You might even shed a tear.  If you don't believe me one of the best scenes in the movie, and one of the saddest, is this one.

   I know I missed some classic lines, like " I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party" or "If I was going somewhere, I was running!" but I just don't have the time to search everywhere for them.  You should just watch the film and relive your favorite line(s).  I'd like to know what your favorite Gump-ism is, so hit up the comment section below and let me know.  
   So I know I said something about a contest a few weeks back and that is still coming.  I know I said it would be simple, but I kinda like a challenge.  So I will be making a small game out of it and people who read the Shore Break808 when it's first posted will have more time to figure the puzzle out.  Everyone will have a fair-ish enough advantage at the prize.  Here's a hint, if you have a smart phone you will have an easier time. (Not needed, but will greatly increase your chances)  So stay tuned to the next installment of the SHORE BREAK 808 HAPPY HOUR! 

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