Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Quote(s) of The Day

Just remember, every day is a gift from God. Well except for Monday.. Satan slips that one in. He's a sneaky bastard.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" 
                                                                                                   -Dr. Seuss

Video(s) of The Day 

I Want To Do That!

So I posted a video a few days ago in the Videos of The Day Section a video of people using the wing suit to literally fly over a landscape with reckless abandon.  If you didn't see it here it is.

This got me super hyped and thought that with enough practice and money I'd give it a shot.  Then I thought of other things I'd like to do.  More than likely though I won't be able to.  So I have to settle by watching other people do them.  I saw a video of an awesome hike I'd love to do.  One point of the hike literally only has steel barbs coming out of the cliff face as foot pegs.  Take a look for yourself just how awesome this would be to hike.

That video is amazing, and while watching that one I stumbled across an even greater hike.  One with a "prize" at the end.  The "prize" is a holy mountain, located in China.  What a great feeling that must be to hike such a dangerous trail and be where only few have been before.  I would gladly walk on those thin boards with a harness to get to see something so rare, without the harness might be a different story though. 
Is it your dream to drive over an extremely decrepit bridge that is barely wide enough to fit your car?  Cause for me it isn't, but if you go to Siberia you can experience this cheap thrill.  I wouldn't drive across this bridge, but I'd probably rush it on a segway or even just walk it.  You need a set of pretty big brass balls to drive a heavy ass vehicle over a tiny rundown old bridge like the one in the video below.  When you watch the video you have to wonder why they didn't just use the bridge to the right... seems like a totally viable alternative. 

The one thing I would love to do that is probably the sketchiest is cave diving.  I always see documentaries on them and they always say how dangerous it is, but to be immersed into a world that few have been to or seen would be something you'd never forget.  This would be an amazing experience and I would love for the chance to do this.  If someone offered me the opportunity to do this I'd respond with a yes faster than Usain Bolt running towards a bucket of KFC.

The serenity of the cave is simply stunning and the clearness of the water is something that can't be ignored.  I'd gladly take the risks involved to explore a magnificent natural wonder such as this.  On the other hand with my luck I'll be that statistic that drowns in a violent way, by somehow being mauled by a swimming lion that has feline AIDS.  But if that's the way I'm going to die, I might as well be in a nice place when it happens. 


  1. Hows this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYZZPwJr_c&feature=player_embedded
