Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's My Soap Box, So F Off

Quote(s) of The Day

Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.

                                                          -Mark Twain


 Video(s) of The Day

Listen Up

Oh hey.  Just for the record, this is not a blog to bring anything important to anyone.  It's literally my soap box to say things that I might find interesting or something I feel I need to say.  Think of me as the crazy guy on the street corner preaching about God or how the end of the world is near.  This is just my way of writing things down for myself and if you care to read it then good on you.  If you don't care to read it then you probably won't be reading this anyway, so F off. (Just kidding....)   Whether or not you think what I have to say is interesting or not, it doesn't change anything for me.  Just like most things in my life, no matter what my actions are, I can't change the actions of others.  It might change their reactions but I can't control what they actual choose to do with their lives.  I don't mean to be such a Debbie-downer, but I just feel people see what I'm writing and putting down as a waste of time because no one gives a shit, to which I will reply "then don't read it."  I find that by writing things down, no matter what the content, keeps my mind off other things that might be bothering me.  It's like a form of therapy.  Some might partake in drugs or other mind altering substances, but for me just give me a platform to tell a story or two and I'm a happy camper.  I wish I could tell you all about some of the stories in my life, but let's face it, my life is full of embarrassing things.  If they were events that happened just to me I would have no problem telling you, but since they involve other people, I don't think it's my place to make them look bad or embarrass them.  So if you personally know me and you know some of the amazing stories, be lucky that you know them.  I have to say though that not everyone knows the same stories.  Some know more than others and one may know them all....  but I again apologize for not being able to share my complete life story on this blog.  I also feel I need to apologize for a lack of interesting content.  I promise to get more in the field type material soon, instead of just random videos and stupid lists.  So till next time, take care and enjoy life. 

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