Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time To Relax Little Bit.

Quote(s) of The Day


What is love? Love is when one person knows all of your secrets... your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows... and yet in the end, that one person does not think any less of you; even if the rest of the world does.

Video(s) of The Day

Enjoying Life!

   Oh hey lovely internets.  I'm going to have a very relaxing day, hopefully full of laughs and good times, but on to today's mind melding topic.  Do you ever have the feeling that there isn't a care in the world?  Or the feeling that you know everything will be fine?  Well for me, I'm hovering right around that area.  I feel great about things and I can only imagine that it's going to get better.  Let me tell you about the turning point and things that happened even yesterday.  So I was in a pretty bad place mentally for a short while, things just weren't going my way, and I felt cheated on life.  Certain aspects of my life held a heavy burden on my heart and really took a toll on me for some reason.  (Well I know the reason, but that's getting too personal)  Weeks later me and a few friends bought tickets to a reggae concert and it could have been the alcohol or just perfect timing, but we were all having an amazing time and I was tired from all the skanking, so I decided to take a seat to rest a little bit.  The band then started playing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.  As they jammed that song, I looked up at my friends and they were having the time of their lives.  The expressions on their faces and the joy they were having was really a sight to see.  If you had seen what I saw, you would've felt the same way I did.  A sudden wave of content and humility washed over me and at that moment you knew that the lyrics in the song couldn't be more true about life, "Every little thing is gonna be alright."  I, no bullshit, got teary eyed and choked up by that moment.  That image that I saw will never be forgotten for the rest of my life.  
   The moment that happened yesterday was when I was talking with a close friend of mine.  Let me fill you in with some background fast kine.  So I had made a list of 100 things that would/have/had made me happy a few weeks ago.  These things could have been tangible, intangible, real, fake, just something that brings happiness.  It's not easy and I implore you to try write 100 things that make you happy.  Genuine things, not stupid things like doughnuts or something, unless doughnuts are the one thing that brings you happiness.  So back on point.  We were talking about it and she wanted to see it, but I have things on the list that are personal and could jeopardize certain things...  many things would be wrong by me showing her the full list.  I would love to show her and everyone else in the world, but like I said it just wouldn't be a good idea.  I however looked at all of them, all 100.  I laughed at a few, smiled at some, even changed some.  The numbers 100-45 are pretty amusing and right on point with what I find joy in.  The closer I get to the number one thing I get a feeling of complete bliss.  I have to remind myself sometimes that I can't physically possess some of those items.  The top five things on the list are things that have already happened in my life but brought more happiness in my life than anything ever has.  They are things that are rare in today's world, even down right one of a kind.  That's the only glimpse you'll get of that list.  Sorry if you thought I was going just dump the list on here.  I'm not that foolish... well.... no I'm not.  What I'm getting at is that even by looking at my list brought some type of smile to my horrid looking face.  Having a list that is constantly growing or being changed just reminds me of all the great things my life has to offer.  I really think that everyone should think of even 10 things that makes them happy.  If they aren't too personal, I'd like to read what some of you thought of.  Post them in the comments section if you want to.  Maybe if the right time presents itself I will post my list too.  Only time can answer if I will or not, but for now I suggest for everyone to enjoy life and be happy.  There are to many things that can keep you down, so find that glimmer of light to keep you going.  Well I've spilled my thoughts on this blog long enough today, so I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend.  Till next time Happy Hour readers!

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