Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saving The Day

Quote(s) of The Day

If a tree falls on a woman and there is no one around to hear it, why was there a tree in the kitchen?

Facts are the enemy of truth

Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose.

In love, it is better to know and be disappointed, than to not know and always wonder?

Video(s) of The Day

Here to Save The Day!

   Oh hey Shore Break readers.  While watching one of my favorite movies, Die Hard, I got to thinking how unrealistic that movie actually is.  But if you think about who you would want to save the world based on their movie persona, who would you choose?  I got to thinking, and these are my top eight movie heroes that I'd want to save me in a dire situation.
8.)  Mila Jovovich
  Mila is one tough chick.  Also she is very good looking.  If you don't know who she is, she plays a badass in the Resident Evil movie franchise.  She's a zombie killing machine and knows how to get the job done.  She also played an ass kicking ultimate being in the movie The Fifth Element.  In that movie she was literally called perfect, which isn't to far from the truth.  She knows how to take care of herself and knows how to save the day.  

7.)Chuck Norris
  I will probably die when Chuck Norris finds out he's only number seven on this list.  He is definitely a man I'd want to save the day, simply because he's rugged and is a big bucket full of win.  He won't take no sh*t from anyone, whether it be terrorists or otherwise.  Let me hit you with a few facts why he's so amazing.  
Chuck Norris can buy a Sad Meal at McDonald's.  Chuck Norris can cut through a hot knife with butter. Those are just a sample of the awesome that this man has.

6.)  Wesley Snipes
 The blackest man on Earth has real life experience to save the day.  Take for example his technique to not pay taxes and to actually know how to fight.  He also kills vampires without hesitation.  (I actually put him on this list as a form of affirmative action)

5.)  Harrison Ford
  Harrison Ford has saved the day on many occasions, destroying the death star, finding the holy grail thus saving his dying father, saved his family from terrorists on a plane.  All great attributes for getting on this list.  He knows how to rally people and can do it all in a fedora if needed.

4.) Daniel Craig
  When you play James Bond the way he does, I'd pick this man to save the world all the time.  He has swag and moxie.  When you play the best secret agent ever you can only hope that if you were ever in the situation to save the world that some of those skills will come in handy.  No matter the odds he will defy them and come through in a pitch.  Not even death can stop him, as he dies in one of the movies and miraculously gets brought back to life and saves the day.  Though some of his successes were more luck than skill, it's still pretty amazing. 

3.) The Rock

   Let's face it.  You will never be The Rock, and you will never find anyone that is more willing to save the world than this guy.  It might not be the safest way to save the planet, but he'll get the job done.  More than likely everything you own will be destroyed in the world saving process, but hey you'll be alive... barely

2) Bruce Willis
 This is the average Joe man that gets sh*t done.  He saved the world in the Fifth Element with Mila Jovovich and he stopped Hans Gruber the terrorist in Die Hard.  He later thwarted the plans of a mad bomber in New York city.  When it comes down to the bottom line, his grit, tenacity, and smarts will ultimately save the day and get everyone to safety.  

1) Arnold Schwarzenegger
 Come on, this mother f*cker has killed everything under the sun and things that didn't even live on our planet.  He's even taught kindergarten kids... when he isn't maliciously killing.  He's even protected the hopes and dreams of the future by going back in time and saving John Connor.  He isn't exactly the best choice for the job, but he has killed so many people he would do it without discourse or remorse.  He would be a robot for hire to kill and complete his objective.  Then after he finishes his mission he'll throw out a snarky quip that makes you cringe. 

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