Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Video Game Inspired Crazy Stuff

Quote(s) of The Day 

The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character.

Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon.

Video(s) of The Day

Video Game Nerd Stuff

   Oh hey there.  I've come across a ton of things on the internet and a lot of them are themed towards video games and their consumers.  It's a different age we live in where video games aren't just for the nerds and geeks.  It's widely accepted and more of a norm now than before.  They are like movies, you go in get entertained and leave, just like video games.  Only difference is that you can control the outcomes.  I'd like to say I'm a fairly seasoned video game player, and not to toot my own horn but a very skilled one too.  Anyway I found some things that were inspired by video games and were weaved into the fabric of the social society.  

   This band made a music video purely based off video games.  There are so many video game references it's hard to keep up.  It's a pretty catchy song to boot, check it out. 
 It has things from Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Wars, Excite Bike, Duck Hunt, and the list goes on and on.  I tip my hat off to them for cramming dozens of things into this four minute video. 
   They even have art shows on video game art.  Some of these pieces are quite good and really take a artistic look into the world of video games.  Even though some people might argue that video games aren't art, this clearly proves that you can make art from them at least. 
 Donkey Kong


   This next video is one of my all time favorite mash ups.  It's from an animator name Paul Robertson and he is the ultimate crazy ass.  His stuff is over the top and overflowing with video game references.  This video is sorta weird, but entertaining nonetheless. 

   The video game scene has gotten so bad that even major cartoonists are referencing certain iconic characters.  Take Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family guy, he uses video game references all the time and this next clip is him poking fun at the original Super Mario game. 

   People always make funny skits about video games take this video that the funny folks at college humor have written.  It's very true about the logic of most video games. 

   If you're a gamer, embrace it.  If you aren't get with it, it's different times and video games are all around.  Hope that everyone is enjoying their week so far.  Till next time take care and thanks for stopping by.

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