Friday, May 20, 2011


Quote(s) of The Day

Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.

Video(s) of The Day

Soup and Tea For Me
     Oh hey.  Happy Aloha Friday once again, or as some would call it Rapture eve.  This is going to be an extremely short post today, because I'm coughing up stuff I didn't know the human body could produce.  It's pretty miserable coughing your lungs up and having your throat get raw.  It's only a matter of time before I start coughing up some of my precious blood.  I've been on meds and actually getting adequate amounts of sleep.  I just can't kick it.  The good thing is that I'm not breaking out in a fever or bed ridden, but it's just a gross feeling.  I do however want to setup a prank for tomorrow's big rapture.  Even if it did happen (just in case you're wondering it won't happen) I won't be getting a ticket up to the heavens above, cause quite frankly I'm a shitty person.  So back to the prank, I'm planning on setting up sets of my unwanted clothes and shoes and leave them arranged on sidewalks and lawns around my apartment complex.  It's probably going to be funnier for my apartment complex because most of them are Mexican, and their buddy Jesus isn't going to be taking them.  I knew that saving my old clothes and shoes would come in handy.  I will be taking pictures of this for my enjoyment and for the blog.  I don't know how Jesus could come down and not save everyone and how he could rain down hate and suffering for the people who aren't taken in the initial Rapture, I mean look at this picture. 
    Alright like I said this is going to be a short one, so take care everyone.  Stay healthy.  Laters

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