Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jackie Chan is AWESOME!

Quote(s) of The Day

Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day.

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
                                                                                        -Robert Heinlein

Video(s) of The Day 
 If your comp can handle 1080p or even 720p I suggest you watch it at the highest quality possible.

I Don't Want to Fight This Guy

Oh hey.  Just recently I saw a movie that I like staring Jackie Chan called, Rumble in the Bronx.  It's an alright movie, but the fight scenes in it were simply amazing.  Unfortunately it was on T.V. so I couldn't rewind it or fast forward it to the good parts.  If Jackie Chan is in it you can bet dollars to donuts that there will be at least 200+ punches thrown.  His movies recently are pretty terrible, but when you dive deep into his earlier films he is quite amazing.  I'm just gonna throw up a few of my favorite fight scenes that he has. 

Those clips are from a lesser known movie called, Gorgeous.  Jackie plays a millionaire who owns a warehouse full of recyclables.  He meets a young girl who claims to be the girlfriend of a mob boss and all the while his long time friend and rival is trying to destroy his business.  The story itself is pretty terrible but the action in this movie is great.  Also the training montage in this one is one that makes me wish I was him.  Some of his earlier films, such as Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever, had in my opinion the best Jackie Chan fight scenes because they were down right gritty and amazing.  They also featured a man name Benny "the Jet" Urquidez, and if you don't know who that is he is the man who pretty much started kick boxing in America.  

I gotta say though, even at his age now he still moves relatively well.  I just can't stand his current films.  I mean have you seen the new Karate Kid (or as it should be called "The Kung Fu Kid" or "My Father Bought Me This Role")  Jackie beats up 10 year old kids.  Unless he starts making films like he did in his prime, I might be done watching his movies.  But thank god for YouTube, so I can watch all of his greatest moments without any of the terrible plot.  If he has enough in the tank to pull off movies with actions scenes like this,

I might be spending some money to see it, but until then I'm gonna have to continue to watch his glory days online. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Badass Villains!

Quote(s) of The Day

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep... not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Video(s) of The Day


Oh hey.  From the title this post will be a small list of bad ass villains in movies.  Not necessarily the most evil, but the one who might have put on the most flair or one that even had a crazy ass suit. This won't be like a top 10 or anything and it won't be in any specific order because quite frankly that was a bitch to put together, this will just be anyone who I feel worthy of being mentioned will be here.  So let's start with a villain that is all mind games and can talk his way into making you kill, even if it's himself getting killed.  John Doe (Kevin Spacey) from the movie Seven is a diabolical genius when it comes to killing.  He murders people through relating them to the seven deadly sins, hence the name of the movie.  It's creepy to see how well Kevin Spacey plays that role, and that's why he gets on this list.
This next badass villain is awesome for so many reasons.  He is the blackest mother f-er and he probably knows it too.  Sho'nuff from the movie The Last Dragon shows that he's the master, so much so he starts glowing with an aura.  If you ask me he probably smoked meth before and that's where he got all his powers from. 

Next up is a villain that needs to be on the list.  The Joker.  Slightly insane and maybe a genius when it comes to villainy.  He isn't in it for the money, he's in it to prove that he's better than you.  A real self-motivator when it comes to crime.  He even takes the time to put on face paint.  If you ask me that's being dedicated to your job.  On top of all of that he's one hell of a magician.

So you might be saying to yourself right now, "these villains aren't that badass."  Well this next one is so badass it isn't even human.  The raptors from Jurassic Park.  These clever girls were so smart hunting their prey it made Dog the Bounty Hunter look like a bitch... brah.  They were so badass that they even tried to take on the T-rex at the end of the movie. 

Ok these next two are both on the list but from different movies.  They are brothers and they both have a hate for flat footed police men.  Hans Gruber and Simon Gruber both hate John McClane with a passion.  Though Hans was a little more serious about his plan, Simon's plan was on a much larger scale and even got the job done with using riddles. 
This next villain is by far one of my favorites.  Anton Chigurh from the movie "No Country For Old Men", is the quint essential badass... except for maybe his hair cut.  He is the embodiment of pure death, with a shoot first ask no questions later because he knows the answer already.  I would not want this huge Mexican chasing me for some money. 
Tony Perkins is a fat camp counselor.  He's possibly the funniest villain of all time as a crazy, delusional work-out guru who runs a fat camp. His little sidekicks like Sven, the Swedish beefcake, only make him better and crazier.  Repulse the monkey...part the horse's mane.
A very unconventional villain is the cocoon that wouldn't open in the movie Spinal Tap.  Just watch the video and see how diabolical that thing is.

There is one more badass villain that I want to put on this list.  Ivan Drago from Rocky IV.  This huge ass Russian killed a man in the ring.  If that isn't badass I can't tell you what is.  I mean he's a huge mother f-er and wants nothing more than to be an awesome juice using boxer.  He's powerful and slightly superhuman.  If the movie was real this is how it would've been.  No f-ing around just pure destruction. 

Well there it is, some of the best villains I've thought of.  If you would've like to see someone else on the list, comment below and voice your disdain for my choices.  We can have a debate about it and maybe I'll edit your choice in.  Check in later when I have a list of most badass heroes. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Quote(s) of The Day

Just remember, every day is a gift from God. Well except for Monday.. Satan slips that one in. He's a sneaky bastard.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" 
                                                                                                   -Dr. Seuss

Video(s) of The Day 

I Want To Do That!

So I posted a video a few days ago in the Videos of The Day Section a video of people using the wing suit to literally fly over a landscape with reckless abandon.  If you didn't see it here it is.

This got me super hyped and thought that with enough practice and money I'd give it a shot.  Then I thought of other things I'd like to do.  More than likely though I won't be able to.  So I have to settle by watching other people do them.  I saw a video of an awesome hike I'd love to do.  One point of the hike literally only has steel barbs coming out of the cliff face as foot pegs.  Take a look for yourself just how awesome this would be to hike.

That video is amazing, and while watching that one I stumbled across an even greater hike.  One with a "prize" at the end.  The "prize" is a holy mountain, located in China.  What a great feeling that must be to hike such a dangerous trail and be where only few have been before.  I would gladly walk on those thin boards with a harness to get to see something so rare, without the harness might be a different story though. 
Is it your dream to drive over an extremely decrepit bridge that is barely wide enough to fit your car?  Cause for me it isn't, but if you go to Siberia you can experience this cheap thrill.  I wouldn't drive across this bridge, but I'd probably rush it on a segway or even just walk it.  You need a set of pretty big brass balls to drive a heavy ass vehicle over a tiny rundown old bridge like the one in the video below.  When you watch the video you have to wonder why they didn't just use the bridge to the right... seems like a totally viable alternative. 

The one thing I would love to do that is probably the sketchiest is cave diving.  I always see documentaries on them and they always say how dangerous it is, but to be immersed into a world that few have been to or seen would be something you'd never forget.  This would be an amazing experience and I would love for the chance to do this.  If someone offered me the opportunity to do this I'd respond with a yes faster than Usain Bolt running towards a bucket of KFC.

The serenity of the cave is simply stunning and the clearness of the water is something that can't be ignored.  I'd gladly take the risks involved to explore a magnificent natural wonder such as this.  On the other hand with my luck I'll be that statistic that drowns in a violent way, by somehow being mauled by a swimming lion that has feline AIDS.  But if that's the way I'm going to die, I might as well be in a nice place when it happens. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Nickelodean, The Good Days

Quote(s) of The Day

The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. - Robert Bloch

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Video(s) of The Day


Oh hey people.  I've said this for a long time but just recently it's been brought back up by some of my friends, but Nickelodean in the 90's had by far the best shows.  Whether it was a cartoon or their many "sitcoms" they were all very quality shows.  They were much more entertaining than the garbage shows they have now.  I'm not just talking about shows on Nickelodean, but most shows on television.  I could watch old school Nick shows all day.
My all time favorite show was Salute Your Shorts.  It was a pretty funny show and it was just all around entertaining to watch.  Some of the other actor based shows were shows like, Are You Afraid Of The Dark,

The camp fire stories weren't that scary and the acting was average, but once again it was just entertaining.  I still would watch this over most of the stuff today.  It was also during prime time afternoon television, so I didn't really have a choice but to watch it.  Another show that was on and was quite weird was, The Adventures of Pete and Pete,

I don't remember to much from this show.  I can't recall the plot or how each character interacted with each other.  I do however remember Artie, the strongest man... in the world.  He also had a tattoo of a female flamenco dancer which he named Petunia, and he would wiggle his arm to make her "dance."  The one show I couldn't stand watching for some reason was Hey Dude.
For some reason life on a ranch did not spark any interest in me at all.  The characters were bland and the episodes were actually kinda boring.  This definitely was not one of the good shows.  They can't all be winners.  I did however love watching the competition shows on Nick.  They had all kinds of shows that I would've loved to have been on.  Wild & Crazy kids was a good show that had ridiculous games but the two shows I wanted to go on was Legend of The Hidden Temple and GUTS. 

Those were all great shows but the cartoons were the really great shows.  If you missed out on any of them you had a terrible childhood.  There were greats like Kablam, Rugrats, Angry Beavers, Doug, and Ahh Real Monsters.  Two of the best cartoons on Nick though would have to be Hey Arnold, and Rocko's Modern Life.  Because of crazy infringement laws I could not find suitable videos to show you just how great these shows were, but believe me when I say they were amazing.  I know this post was very vague in describing the shows, but if you ever get a chance to watch any of these shows I highly recommend that you do.  If they had a channel that played all these old school shows I'd most likely watch it all day.  What happened to the creativity of the writing shows that were just pure entertainment, and fun?  It makes me sad that I will most likely never be able to see any of these shows again. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Katchafire Day!

Quote(s) of The Day

Hamburger Helper only works if the hamburger is ready to accept that it needs help.

Video(s) of The Day


Oh hey everyone! This is going to be a short entry today, because I'll be swamped with stuff to do.  I am however going to a Katchafire concert tonight and I just want to give you all a taste of who they are.  I'm gonna throw up a few of their songs for you to enjoy and maybe make a fan out of the people who have never heard of them.  A little house cleaning business to attend to now.  I might not have a post for Saturday, but Sunday for sure I will make the effort to post something.  I hope everyone has a great aloha Friday and that you also enjoy your weekend.  Feel free to post a comment below as to what you would like to see in later posts... I will consider them this time so don't be shy.  Also I will be having a guest posting a section in the near future, so be sure to be on the lookout for that.  I want to thank everyone who has been a frequent reader and I also want to thank our international readers for keeping up with the Shore Break808 Happy Hour, it's always fun seeing an international audience here.  So without further ramblings...


Quote(s) of The Day

"I love you not only because of who you are, but because of who I am when I'm with you."
                            - Roy Croft

Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.

Video(s) of The Day

Oh hey all.  While watching some television a random thought had popped into my head, like so many do, and it was who are the greatest television/movie/video game duos or teams in history? We all know of the cliche partners, like Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but I'm gonna get gritty with it and go obscure. (Some of them)  This will be a top 15 countdown. So let's begin!

Charlie Company- Saving Private Ryan

COVERING FIRE!! These MF-ers were all skilled in combat and knew what they were getting themselves into.  Sacrifice eight men to find and rescue one.  It was complete FUBAR.  They were all brave soldiers, except for Upham, who wasn't much of a soldier to begin with.  Their main mission was to find Pvt. Ryan and bring him back to his mother, after three of his brothers had already been KIA.  You had Capt. Miller (Tom Hanks) leading a band of brothers through this hellish ordeal.  Each knowing their strengths; Reiben the heavy arms specialist, Jackson the marksmen, Upham the huge pussy, Mellish the Jew, Caparzo the human bullet catcher, they all had their own set of unique skills.  Although only two had made it out alive from the original squad they managed to accomplish their mission and bring Pvt. Ryan back safely.

Neil McCauley's bank robbing gang- Heat

When you have a team consisting of Robert De Niro, Tom Sizemore, Dennis Haysbert, and skinny Val Kilmer, you can't go wrong.  They probably would've gotten away with the perfect crime if they hadn't been running away from Al Pacino. 

Ren and Stimpy

A cat and a dog being best friends is crazy talk, but they are always by each others side... even if it's getting impaled or beaten up.  Their wacky adventures were entertaining to watch when I was a child and now that I'm older and I see an episode it's quite interesting to see what they used to show to kids.  I still think that this show is a lot better than most of the shitty cartoons they play for the kids of today.

Riggs and Murtaugh

The Yin and Yang of action movies.  Murtaugh being the level headed veteran, and Riggs the balls to the wall go get 'em.  There is nothing that can stop these two, not even "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!"  They even manage to put a whooping on Jet Li.  If you were to put these two on patrol at their age now, Jews and good movies beware cause these two will ruin your life.

Tin Tin and Snowy

The many adventures of Tin Tin, and his faithful dog snowy.  A quite popular British cartoon, that had the same tones as Jonny Quest, just with accents and instead of an Indian (forehead dot style) sidekick it was a white Scotty dog. 

Jay and Silent Bob

These two stoners will hang out in front of any store and sell drugs.  Though they are complete idiots they some how always get things done, whether it's saving an orangutan or dueling and defeating Mark Hamill with a dildo/bong lightsaber. In real-life Jayson Mewes and Kevin Smith are probably the funniest people alive. 

Ace and Gary- Ambiguously Gay Duo

Nuff said.

Phil, Stu, and Alan

Because of these three men we all know what to do if we lose a friend in Vegas.  We also learned to never take a tiger that belongs to Mike Tyson.  Also the many things that a tiger is dreaming of, such as mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit.  If they wanted to they could write a whole thesis on tigers between the three of them.  I mean I didn't know that tigers love pepper and hate cinnamon, did you?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

These mutant badasses were trained by another mutant badass, who just so happens to be a rat named Splinter.  These turtles have seen it all from over grown snapping turtles to an over grown fox, to even and over grown "super" Shredder.  I don't know how they stay so fit with a diet of pizza.

Charlie Brown and Lucy

These two are very close friends even though Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown all the time.  When Charlie Brown needs someone to talk to or needs advice, he goes and finds Lucy who is always there to give good insight... for $.05 of course.

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong
You gotta love these two apes.  They know how to use team work to get through all sorts of trouble... and run away mine carts.  If one can't seem to finish the job, the other is right there to step in for him.  These two knuckle draggers will do anything to get their beloved bananas back from the anthropomorphic crocodile King K. Rool.

This duo literally saved humanity from becoming an even fatter society by finding vegetation.  Though WALL-E was a simple trash unit, he was able to use his love of collecting things to help EVE with her "directive."  They worked symbiotically in a way that only robots could, making them a great duo.  They even managed to find love between them.  Talk about dating out of your league.  

The Dread Pirate Roberts and Crew- The Princess Bride

I'm just going to come out and say that this is a great movie and if you haven't seen it I suggest you go out immediately and buy this.  Don't rent it or borrow it from a friend, but purchase a copy for yourself to own.  You will not be disappointed by this movie.  The band of characters work great with one another.  You have Fezzik who is a lovable giant with strength aplenty. Inigo Montoya, a swordsman who is determined to avenge his fathers death by tracking down and killing the six fingered man, but not before saying, " my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die."  Then you have Westley.  He is a man on a mission to find and win back the princess at all costs.  The thing about this crew is that they all have similar motives so they all come together to work towards a single goal.  They all have each others back.  Inigo and Fezzik even manage to bring Westley back to life.  If that isn't team work I don't know what is.

Shaun and Ed - Shaun of the Dead

This might be a biased selection because like I said in my previous post, I fucking love zombies.  When it comes to killing zombies they aren't the most lethal, but they manage to get the job done.  Although Ed slows down Shaun at times he's a loyal friend and is worth keeping around even after he turns into a zombie.  

Team America

The greatest team to ever be assembled, then manipulated by puppeteers.  These hardcore American loving puppets will do anything to protect our great nation and freedoms.  They take on the evil Kim Jong-il and manage to stop his attempt to take over the world.  If you don't like puppets tough shit, watch this movie anyway and be ready for your mind to explode from patriotism overload.  AMERICA!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 80's Baby!

Quote(s) of The Day

I would not advise turning your frown upside down. The surgery is extremely painful and not covered by most insurance.

Two wrongs don't make a right.  But two Wrights can make an airplane.

Video(s) of The Day

Ok first of all, let me just say that I'm not sure if I should be impressed by this guy or disturbed by how good his female singing voice is.  You decide.

I Was Born Then!

Oh hey, it's me again.  People know this already, but I am a big fan of 80's music.  The thing that not a lot of people know is how I started liking it. (Literally only one person, I think, knows the back story why.)  It's not that I'm ashamed of it or that I don't like other music, it's just that I didn't feel it necessary to tell anyone or no one else would listen to the story.  I really like the sound of the music better than current stuff and the artists don't sound like they are trying to impress everyone, but rather they are performing because it's their passion.  The way it all began for me was when I was starting at a new school and my pops would drop me off before he would go to work.  He would always turn on the radio, because I wouldn't talk in the truck or I'd be sleeping, but he would always have it on an 80's station.  I believe it was 93.1 KQMQ at the time.  At first I could not stand it, then I began to actually listen to the lyrics and the "meaning" behind the songs and I really enjoyed them.  The songs grew on me and I was hooked and couldn't get enough. So in terms it was my father that prompted my liking of the sounds of the 80's.  It wasn't hard when you had great bands like Earth Wind and Fire, and KC and the Sunshine band.  Though some of them didn't begin their legendary musical careers in the 80's, their music carried through to the next decades like a locomotive made of Charlie Sheen after banging out four lines of coke and slamming back three Redbulls. Also the many "Hair Bands" of the 80's were great.  Poison and Kiss and even Guns N Roses (Who I think had one of the coolest 80's icon, Saul Hudson otherwise known as Slash).

 They all had amazing bands, and I'm very impressed that so many of them survived the massive amounts of drugs they probably did off of groupies asses backstage.  On the other hand you also had massive amounts of "one hit wonders", such as the song, "I Ran" By A Flock of Seagulls.  You gotta give credit to the them though, they did make it even if for a short time, and they did it while looking like crazy people.

But let's forget about the hair bands and the one hit wonders for a second and let's talk about the bands that made it.  The big timers, and the bands that everyone knows their songs.  I'm talking about bands like Queen and Journey.  If there were bands where I'd want as my life's background music, it would most likely be Queen and Journey.  If you don't think so, I'd fight you to the death.  Just listen to these songs and tell me that you wouldn't want that playing for you everyday in the background.

Now what do you think?  Amazing right?  Well if you still don't think so, then we can no longer be friends.  Just kidding.... sorta. In all honesty I can only listen to so much of the music of today, but if you put songs on from the 80's I'll listen to it all day.  There are so many other bands and artist I haven't talked about; Duran Duran, Devo, ToTo, Madona, Bon Jovi, Twisted Sister, Van Halen, the list goes on, but trust me when I say that they are all amazing.  So in closing I leave you with two more songs from Journey and Queen. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Layout. Also Announcing a Contest?

Oh hey everyone.  I'm going to start a new way this blog is run and how its setup.  Its gonna have a little bit more of a structure rather just dumping, yes dumping, a whole bunch of nonsense on your screen. So after this initial opening this is how it will be from now on.  I hope you still enjoy it and hope that you get a laugh from time to time.

Quote(s) of the Day
Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Nobody ever says "It's only a game" when their team is winning.

Video(s) of the Day


Oh hey.  Today I bought a lot of lotto tickets (Mega Millions) in the hopes of hitting the jackpot.  Unfortunately I was unable to pull off that miracle this time, but if I were to win that baby I have a list of things I'd want to do with it, and here are some of the more crazier things that are pretty realistic and pennies on the dollar after winning.
1) I would send a limo down to my friends house and have the driver make them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (maximum of two each) then get back into his car and drive away.  
2)  I would take a taxi to the airport get a first class ticket back home to Hawaii, and buy a car at the nearest car dealership.  Then I would proceed to drive to my house and let myself in and say "oh hey" to my family and look at their expressions when they see me. 
3)  I would want to go to Samoa and Japan (Japan would need to wait)
4)  I'd want to go on a road trip to all the states and check out their biggest attraction.
5)  I would want to buy everything on the Jack in the Box menu then proceed to throw it on the ground and run it over in the drive through.
6)  A house set in Hawaii Kai near the water... Preferably in Portlock.  
7) I would most likely take my closest friends on a trip of their choosing.  So wherever they wanted to go I'd take them.  
8)  I would open a restaurant/bar and name it "Pounders" and have a friend of mine open a fudge shop next to it.  And have whoever of my friends wanted to work it, they could. 
9)  Have a personal chef
10)  I would want to try certain foods, such as caviar and other expensive food items.
11)  Surgery on my shoulder that I should have gotten back in high school.
12)  I would want to be the only person in Hawaii to own a Bugatti Veyron, then drive it to the market every weekend.  
13)  I would fill up my gas tank with premium all the way till it was spilling out of the gas tank.
14)  Carbon Fiber toilet seat.  Yes they actually exist and it costs $249.
15) An annual membership to the beer of the month club.
16)  A pet Koala

These are just a few things that I would do with that money.  These are only silly things, and I would be a little smarter with the bulk of the money, such as invest it.  What silly things would you do if you won the lottery?  

So I have decided to hold a contest for this coming month of April.  It will be for a $25 iTunes card and the way to enter to win it will be very simple.  As simple as leaving a comment on the specific topic I choose.  You will get an entry if you write a comment, only one entry per blog post.  Whoever comments will get their name put into a hat and a name will be drawn randomly.  I will try to have two prizes for each month, so check in regularly to see what prizes will be coming down the pipeline.  I will tell you more about it in the coming posts, but for now just enjoy the randomness of the Shorebreak808 Happy Hour. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Can't We Be Friends?

Oh hey!  So last friday night (3/18/11) was a debacle of manini (small) proportions.  It started off like any typical night at down town Fullerton.  Tuscany Club to begin the night to get the stiffest drinks of the night.  First off, as soon as we walk into this place there's a guy wearing a Dodgers shirt and he's sucking face with this girl that's got to be at least 10 years younger than him.  And this guy later almost started a fight with one of the people in the bar.  So anyway, the bartender there is super chill and knows my face now from previous visits over the past weeks, so he hooks it up pretty well.  So we have a couple drinks here and head to the next leg of our night adventure.

  We cross the street and take a right and we stroll to an Irish bar called Branagan's Irish Pub.  Small place, but serve one of the largest cups of Guinness ever, which we have aptly named "the Punaguinness",  which is a 32 ounce cup of Guinness.  I'm not a fan of Guinness, so I stuck to what I usually get.

  We stay for a drink then head to our final bar/club of the night, THE BACK ALLEY.  Now a little side note about this place.... If the band playing is not a cover band of songs that everyone knows, it will be a terrible night.  Lucky for us the band that was playing was a band we had previously seen called simply "The Cover Junkies."   Also about this place is that they make the most amazing Sex on the Beach drinks ever... Go ahead and call me a girl, but until you've tried it you have no right to say anything.  I will never order one for myself, but that's why you send the girls you brought to go get them for you.  While we were there, there was a really ogre of a girl.  She was definitely the troll under the bridge not letting anyone cross to talk to her hot friends.

  So after finishing up a few rounds here, we head to our last stop of the night, I Got Cha Pizza. This place has pretty decent pizza, but we mainly go because it's open and right next to our last stop.  So I am enjoying the pizza and had made friends with 4 Mexican girls... unfortunately only one was good looking.  I also got them to call me Jesus, I'm not sure how that happened but it happened.  We are just kicking it and these are the events that happened

After this muscle flexing contest was won, we had met a guy from Hawaii that was super hilarious and was enjoying life.  I wish I had a video of this guy, cause he was the most moke guy I've met in a long time.
    Unfortunately the night had to end sometime and after the pizza place we headed back to my apartment to gather every ones shit and for the crew to head home.  Yet another successful outing to down town Fullerton.  I hope you all liked the silliness of our night and I leave you with yet another video of something I thought was quite funny. Enjoy. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Oh hey everyone... I know that I said that I had a good, interesting, post for you all but.... I didn't finish editing the clip.  For two reasons. A) Got lazy and didn't want to do it. B) went drinking again and didn't think about it at all.  Sorry everyone hahaha.  I do however PROMISE to get it done tomorrow.  Till then you can watch this video of one of the funniest animations I've seen.  Some of you may have already seen it and if you have you know of its glory.  It's a little bit long, but well worth the watch.  Enjoy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Great Aether

Oh hey once again.  While watching an episode of cash cab I heard a word that I haven't heard in many years, aether.

If you don't know what that is, it's another word for outer space.  I am fascinated by the concept of a never ending, always expanding cosmos. The mystery of it all intrigues the hell out of me.  There are so many things that can't be explained and so many things that probably haven't been discovered.  To think that we haven't even explored our own planet fully, one can only wonder how many anomalies there are in the vastness of space.  Nothing would please me more than to be alive when they discover a life form other than just a few traces of "space bacteria."  I want a full blown life form that has 30 legs and 15 eyes that don't even look like eyes.  But heaven forbid it should have 3 nipples cause that would be weird.... *cough* *cough*  But I digress.   The chances of there being a life form out there would have to be 100%.  There is just to much out there for there not to be.  My only concern is that when we find them or when "they" find us that all hell doesn't break loose.  I know what happens when a technologically advanced entity invades a new land.  If you don't believe me think back to the discovery of America itself.  Once again I go off topic.  Another concern of mine is that if we do get attacked by an alien species, and not the boarder hopping type, that Will Smith will still be alive to save us all. 

But why worry about the hostility of outer space, when you can enjoy its beauty.  Next time you are having a rough day or things aren't going your way, go outside at night and just gaze up at the stars.  Maybe go to a nice secluded beach that's a short walk through the water, lay out a blanket and relax with your special someone, while looking up at the night sky.  I promise you, you won't regret it.  I never did.  Well everyone it's Friday and the weekend.  I hope everyone has a fun and exciting weekend.  I leave you with this video enjoy....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Nothing Important Day

Oh hey.  Well today is St. Paddy's day, but to the non-drinking crowd, it's Thursday.  "Holidays" like this one should not be observed through marketable means.  What I mean by that is I don't want to walk into Albertsons, Safeway or party city and see clovers, leprechauns, and pots of gold everywhere I look.  The only thing I want to buy that is St. Patrick's day related, but sold year round, is maybe a box of Lucky Charms cereal.

(With the delicious hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and you can't forget about the red balloon.)  Even then I run the risk of being disappointed when I get a spoonful of all non-marshmallow pieces.  This day really just gives people the excuse to drink... oh wait that can be any day.  You don't need a specific day to have a drink or drink green beer.  If you want to drink, go out and drink.  You don't see the market flooded with Arbor day merchandise, or Columbus day mylar balloons.  To cut this short, the point I'm getting at is I'm tired of fake holidays.  Now on to the next topic which is POKEMON!

Can anyone tell me how many there are in the whole pokemon universe now?  What happened to the original 150 or 151 with mew?  I don't know any of the new ones but I can only assume there's somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 or 5 million... give or take. (Don't quote me on that number)  Not only is there that many, but kids still want to catch them all.  I say they should stop trying to "catch 'em all" and go outside and try to catch a ball.  I understand the whole aspect of playing the game, because I once played the originals, but when kids lose grasp of reality and want to live in this magical world full of electric rats and fire breathing dragons it makes me wonder what the big draw is now.  For example take this child...

To wrap up today, if you do choose to go out and celebrate the Irish version of Cinco De Mayo please be safe.  I leave you now with a funny video, enjoy!