Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse!

Oh hey! For a long time I've had this crazy love for zombies.  Their appearance, their demeanor, and their relentless search for brains.  I'm not really sure why I've grown to like them so much.  It could be a lot of things, like their ambitious and never stopping search for HUMAN BRAIIIIINNNSSSS!   You gotta respect that.  I'd like to think that if there ever was an outbreak on a global scale, that I would be able to survive... granted they were slow, stumbling, shuffling zombies and not the full sprint, never get tired, manic zombies.  Although I do find the fast runners more exciting to watch in movies, but I would not stand a chance against them in a real life situation.  Have you seen how fast they run?  And if it was a black zombie, that thing would move so much faster and dunk/dance on you all day.  Not fair at all.  I have a survey running at the top of the page of which zombie movie you liked the most.  It will only be up till the 23rd of march.  If you don't know the movies, there are trailers of them at the bottom of the page.  Your choice could be based on you thought the movie itself was good, or the fact that the zombies had more gore to them, or even because someone in the movie you don't like gets killed off.  Yes I'm talking about Michelle Rodriguez, in Resident Evil.  Remember that if any type of zombie apocalypse happens be sure you're prepared.  I recommend you pick up a copy of "The Zombie Survival Guide."

So if you want to survive zombies in any situation, in any location, this is the guide that'll get you through it.


1 comment:

  1. just saw shaun of the dead this weekend. he makes a really good fake zombie.
