Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Nothing Important Day

Oh hey.  Well today is St. Paddy's day, but to the non-drinking crowd, it's Thursday.  "Holidays" like this one should not be observed through marketable means.  What I mean by that is I don't want to walk into Albertsons, Safeway or party city and see clovers, leprechauns, and pots of gold everywhere I look.  The only thing I want to buy that is St. Patrick's day related, but sold year round, is maybe a box of Lucky Charms cereal.

(With the delicious hearts, stars, and horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and you can't forget about the red balloon.)  Even then I run the risk of being disappointed when I get a spoonful of all non-marshmallow pieces.  This day really just gives people the excuse to drink... oh wait that can be any day.  You don't need a specific day to have a drink or drink green beer.  If you want to drink, go out and drink.  You don't see the market flooded with Arbor day merchandise, or Columbus day mylar balloons.  To cut this short, the point I'm getting at is I'm tired of fake holidays.  Now on to the next topic which is POKEMON!

Can anyone tell me how many there are in the whole pokemon universe now?  What happened to the original 150 or 151 with mew?  I don't know any of the new ones but I can only assume there's somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 or 5 million... give or take. (Don't quote me on that number)  Not only is there that many, but kids still want to catch them all.  I say they should stop trying to "catch 'em all" and go outside and try to catch a ball.  I understand the whole aspect of playing the game, because I once played the originals, but when kids lose grasp of reality and want to live in this magical world full of electric rats and fire breathing dragons it makes me wonder what the big draw is now.  For example take this child...

To wrap up today, if you do choose to go out and celebrate the Irish version of Cinco De Mayo please be safe.  I leave you now with a funny video, enjoy!

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