Friday, March 25, 2011


Quote(s) of The Day

"I love you not only because of who you are, but because of who I am when I'm with you."
                            - Roy Croft

Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.

Video(s) of The Day

Oh hey all.  While watching some television a random thought had popped into my head, like so many do, and it was who are the greatest television/movie/video game duos or teams in history? We all know of the cliche partners, like Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but I'm gonna get gritty with it and go obscure. (Some of them)  This will be a top 15 countdown. So let's begin!

Charlie Company- Saving Private Ryan

COVERING FIRE!! These MF-ers were all skilled in combat and knew what they were getting themselves into.  Sacrifice eight men to find and rescue one.  It was complete FUBAR.  They were all brave soldiers, except for Upham, who wasn't much of a soldier to begin with.  Their main mission was to find Pvt. Ryan and bring him back to his mother, after three of his brothers had already been KIA.  You had Capt. Miller (Tom Hanks) leading a band of brothers through this hellish ordeal.  Each knowing their strengths; Reiben the heavy arms specialist, Jackson the marksmen, Upham the huge pussy, Mellish the Jew, Caparzo the human bullet catcher, they all had their own set of unique skills.  Although only two had made it out alive from the original squad they managed to accomplish their mission and bring Pvt. Ryan back safely.

Neil McCauley's bank robbing gang- Heat

When you have a team consisting of Robert De Niro, Tom Sizemore, Dennis Haysbert, and skinny Val Kilmer, you can't go wrong.  They probably would've gotten away with the perfect crime if they hadn't been running away from Al Pacino. 

Ren and Stimpy

A cat and a dog being best friends is crazy talk, but they are always by each others side... even if it's getting impaled or beaten up.  Their wacky adventures were entertaining to watch when I was a child and now that I'm older and I see an episode it's quite interesting to see what they used to show to kids.  I still think that this show is a lot better than most of the shitty cartoons they play for the kids of today.

Riggs and Murtaugh

The Yin and Yang of action movies.  Murtaugh being the level headed veteran, and Riggs the balls to the wall go get 'em.  There is nothing that can stop these two, not even "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!"  They even manage to put a whooping on Jet Li.  If you were to put these two on patrol at their age now, Jews and good movies beware cause these two will ruin your life.

Tin Tin and Snowy

The many adventures of Tin Tin, and his faithful dog snowy.  A quite popular British cartoon, that had the same tones as Jonny Quest, just with accents and instead of an Indian (forehead dot style) sidekick it was a white Scotty dog. 

Jay and Silent Bob

These two stoners will hang out in front of any store and sell drugs.  Though they are complete idiots they some how always get things done, whether it's saving an orangutan or dueling and defeating Mark Hamill with a dildo/bong lightsaber. In real-life Jayson Mewes and Kevin Smith are probably the funniest people alive. 

Ace and Gary- Ambiguously Gay Duo

Nuff said.

Phil, Stu, and Alan

Because of these three men we all know what to do if we lose a friend in Vegas.  We also learned to never take a tiger that belongs to Mike Tyson.  Also the many things that a tiger is dreaming of, such as mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit.  If they wanted to they could write a whole thesis on tigers between the three of them.  I mean I didn't know that tigers love pepper and hate cinnamon, did you?

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

These mutant badasses were trained by another mutant badass, who just so happens to be a rat named Splinter.  These turtles have seen it all from over grown snapping turtles to an over grown fox, to even and over grown "super" Shredder.  I don't know how they stay so fit with a diet of pizza.

Charlie Brown and Lucy

These two are very close friends even though Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown all the time.  When Charlie Brown needs someone to talk to or needs advice, he goes and finds Lucy who is always there to give good insight... for $.05 of course.

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong
You gotta love these two apes.  They know how to use team work to get through all sorts of trouble... and run away mine carts.  If one can't seem to finish the job, the other is right there to step in for him.  These two knuckle draggers will do anything to get their beloved bananas back from the anthropomorphic crocodile King K. Rool.

This duo literally saved humanity from becoming an even fatter society by finding vegetation.  Though WALL-E was a simple trash unit, he was able to use his love of collecting things to help EVE with her "directive."  They worked symbiotically in a way that only robots could, making them a great duo.  They even managed to find love between them.  Talk about dating out of your league.  

The Dread Pirate Roberts and Crew- The Princess Bride

I'm just going to come out and say that this is a great movie and if you haven't seen it I suggest you go out immediately and buy this.  Don't rent it or borrow it from a friend, but purchase a copy for yourself to own.  You will not be disappointed by this movie.  The band of characters work great with one another.  You have Fezzik who is a lovable giant with strength aplenty. Inigo Montoya, a swordsman who is determined to avenge his fathers death by tracking down and killing the six fingered man, but not before saying, " my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die."  Then you have Westley.  He is a man on a mission to find and win back the princess at all costs.  The thing about this crew is that they all have similar motives so they all come together to work towards a single goal.  They all have each others back.  Inigo and Fezzik even manage to bring Westley back to life.  If that isn't team work I don't know what is.

Shaun and Ed - Shaun of the Dead

This might be a biased selection because like I said in my previous post, I fucking love zombies.  When it comes to killing zombies they aren't the most lethal, but they manage to get the job done.  Although Ed slows down Shaun at times he's a loyal friend and is worth keeping around even after he turns into a zombie.  

Team America

The greatest team to ever be assembled, then manipulated by puppeteers.  These hardcore American loving puppets will do anything to protect our great nation and freedoms.  They take on the evil Kim Jong-il and manage to stop his attempt to take over the world.  If you don't like puppets tough shit, watch this movie anyway and be ready for your mind to explode from patriotism overload.  AMERICA!

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