Friday, April 15, 2011

The Hell Happened Last Night? Oh There's Pictures....

Quote(s) of The Day

In order for people to be happy, sometimes they have to take risks. It's true these risks can put them in danger of being hurt.

Video(s) of The Day
I love being Japanese

Let The Games Begin!

   Oh hey.  Happy Aloha Friday again my favorite Shore Break readers and a few others.  Wednesday night was a good idea on paper but soon got out of control fast.  Let me run you through the game plan of what was suppose to happen last night.  I didn't have work, because they are setting up the race track for the Long Beach grand prix and business was slow and they had closed down the streets.  So I was going to go to Irvine and meet up with my friend Jon and go lifting with him, then after that figure out what we were going to do for the night.  That did not happen at all.  There was no lifting and we just decided to go to Yardhouse and have a few Gulden Draaks, which is a beer that is 10.2% alcohol and its served in their smaller goblet size because they are not allowed to serve it by the pint.  It was Jon, Keoki, myself, and Elyse would be joining us later. So it started with the hostess girl.  We were getting seated and it was at a table, so we requested a booth instead and she gave us this look of "why?" The booth was smaller, meaning we would be sitting closer to each other and it must have been suspect that three guys would want to sit closer to each other.  Elyse soon joined us and it didn't look so awkward because there was a female presence with us.  We ordered and ate six appetizers that ranged from nachos to fried calamari and me mates all had two beers each.  At the end we ordered the trio sampler dessert which is always a good call.  At this point I'm feeling the alcohol, my ability to drink any type of alcohol is doo doo, but the journey continues.  It was still early and we were going to go to Dave and Busters to night cap it, but to our dismay they were closed.  Plan B was now in motion, go home and drink, but not before our little photo shoot outside of Yardhouse.

    We get back to Keoki's pad, crash on the couches and there is a bottle of Crown Royal sitting on the coffee table.  It was looking at us funny so we decided to show it who was in charge.  It was decided that getting a cup of ice and some cola would be to much trouble, so we just popped off the pour spout and took turns taking swigs.  It got a little brutal and so we had to zip up our purses, take off our stilettos, get up and grab a few coca colas, but still it was brutal.  It's at this point it's starting to get sloppy.  I don't know how the push-up contest was initiated but the challenge was accepted and somehow our shirts came off for it. 

  Don't ask about it, cause I can't give you an answer.  So next up on the things to do, was to drink more and throw out yet another challenge.  For some reason I told Jon that I could get him in a twister submission, then came the MMA grapple match.  There were many attempts and many different submissions by Jon, but he couldn't figure out how to sink them in.  The arm bar attempt was completely wrong and the triangle lock was to far for him to actually choke me out.  It didn't help either that I was able to bicep curl Jon's body when he was attempting the triangle. 

   The night pretty much ended after the wrestling match, simply because it drained all the energy out of both of us, and it was 4 A.M..  For some reason Jon was still very intoxicated the next morning and was hanging for a good portion of the next day.  Overall it was a good night and was a lot of fun.  The best part was the great pictures and the laughs.  If you don't believe me when I said how drunk Jon was just take a look at this
   It was yet another awesome night to add to the long list of stories of my life.  These types of nights never get old and I just wish that they could always be like this.  Just having a blast without a care in the world.  Well it's about that time to wrap this up and start the weekend off right.  Take care everyone, enjoy the day, and have an exciting weekend!

1 comment:

  1. john must be gay. Oh crap, can i say that without getting fined 100k?

