Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh Silly...

Quote(s) of The Day

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.

When you realize you have made a mistake, make amends immediately. It’s easier to eat crow while it’s still warm.                          
                                                                               - Dan Heist
Video(s) of The Day 

Silly Rabbit

Oh hey people out there in the inter-webs.  I came across a very funny conversation with one of my good friends over AIM that happened about four years ago.  It was never anything important, but the topics we stumbled upon were quite hilarious.  The direction they went were never conventional or even sane at certain points.
So we will start with one of the weirdest ideas to come into my head.  Looking back at this conversation makes me realize that I might have gone crazy long before I even knew I was crazy.  I'm the one in the red, I also censored his and my screen names even though no one would even care. 

G---F-----810: you know what just popped into my head?
G---F-----810: what if instead of seasons
K---H---20: um no
G---F-----810 : we had change in gravity
K---H---20: LOL
G---F-----810 : hahaha
K---H---20 : im pretty sure if someone saw our convos
G---F-----810: like we'd be saying " wow the force of gravity is long this year"
K---H---20: they would think we're high out of our minds
G---F-----810: haha
K---H---20: hahaha
G---F-----810: lol hahahah
G---F-----810: well maybe not you
G---F-----810: but they'd question me about it

This was another stupid conversation between me and him.  This time it's about how hot Jessica Alba is and what we would do to have her be ours... or mine.  

K---H---20: why is j alba so hot
G---F-----810: cause i only create hot people
G---F-----810: so i can date them
G---F-----810: lol
K---H---20: oh?
K---H---20: shoots
G---F-----810: i tell myself that to comfort me at night
G---F-----810: lol
K---H---20: lol
G---F-----810: stops the crying
G---F-----810: dude if any of our friends got a girl like that
G---F-----810: that was like the perfect girl
G---F-----810: dude
G---F-----810: there would be some backstabbing
K---H---20: wait
G---F-----810: f*ck id try and steal her from you if you had her
K---H---20: we'd be f*cking enemies
G---F-----810: hell yeah
G---F-----810: it'd be you vs the world
K---H---20: hahaha seriously
G---F-----810: you'd have to just kill all men
G---F-----810: no other way around it
K---H---20: is anyone dating her?
G---F-----810: hmmm ill look that up
K---H---20: oh wait
K---H---20: i am
K---H---20: HAH!
G---F-----810: HAHAHAHAHAH
G---F-----810: wait you too?
G---F-----810: you know what would be the ultimate f*ck over?
G---F-----810: if you had only 5 seconds to do what you wanted with her
G---F-----810: hahahahaha
K---H---20: LOL
K---H---20: id kill her
K---H---20: and kill myself
K---H---20: so i could forever be with her
G---F-----810: ........
K---H---20: LOL???
G---F-----810: ME TOO!
K---H---20: hahahahahahahaha u didnt have that in mind, u f*cker
G---F-----810: i know
K---H---20: lol
G---F-----810: i was thinking kill her
K---H---20: what would u really do
G---F-----810: then when they bury her
G---F-----810: rape her dead body
G---F-----810: ewwwwww
G---F-----810: what if you found out that she was a dude?
K---H---20: id still do her
G---F-----810: ultimate boner killer
G---F-----810: HAHAHA
K---H---20: hahaha
G---F-----810: or like what if shes got a huge muff
G---F-----810: like monster muff
K---H---20: lol
K---H---20: what about it
G---F-----810: or hairy nipples

That is pretty much the conversation condensed.  I looked at this and laughed at how low-brow the comedy was just a few years ago.  I'd like to think that our sense of humor has evolved into something a little more polished and refined.   I still chuckled at just how silly we were.  We have conversations like this from time to time, but it's usually just brief one liners.  I really wish my theory of time was in text form, because I quite like my theory.  Maybe one day I'll make a post of it explaining how there is no present time.  Until that day enjoy what other crazy things I have to put up on the ShoreBreak808 Happy Hour. 

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