Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It Was Fun.

Quote(s) of The Day

Friends are like shoes. We look for good-looking ones. But at the end, we choose the ones we feel comfortable with.

Video(s) of The Day

  Oh hey world.  This is going to be a post about one of my good friends.  He is going to be leaving California and going back home to beautiful Hawaii.  Let me be the first to say, you lucky bastard.  Also I will miss ya buddy.  This is going to be recapping some of the more memorable moments that I can remember with him.
   The one big moment I can remember that I'm sure everyone has heard already, was the big brawl on Halloween night a few years back.  It was such a debacle that I can never forget it.  We were invited to a huge raging Halloween party and we didn't really know to many of the people there.  It started off like any other Halloween kegger, drunk people everywhere dressed in the most ridiculous costumes possible, having a good time.  All of a sudden some Asian "thugs" thought they could come in and run shit by pushing their way through the party.  Unfortunately they pushed the wrong people while trying to look tough.  When they pushed Jon out of the way that's when it began.  Jon wasn't going to put up with their shit and they didn't like that.  Word of advice, if you want to "get your boys" make sure they aren't huge pussies.  So the kid leaves to get his boys, and Jon proceeds to find me and tell me to take off my costume, which was an amazing wizard costume.  I really didn't think anything was going to happen because it was A) in Irvine and B) people always talk shit and never do anything about it.  So I'm slowly taking off the costume thinking nothing's gonna happen when these guys start to get in Jon's face.  In an instant shit hits the fan and it's a banger.  I toss my costume to the girls we were with and I get in the mix.  Me, Jon, and Keoki all doing our thing.  Jon is wrestling some guy who is trying to go for a leg sweep or something, then the victim of the night was coming from behind Jon.  He was trying to grab up on Jon, so I made an executive decision to protect Jon and destroy that kids face.  In hind sight he could have been trying to break it up, but in my mind he was trying to cause harm to my boy.  So me and Jon both proceed to take out two guys each.  We both had RNC-ed two guys.  By this time the room that we were in had completely cleared out, leaving only the screams from outside to be heard.  We go outside to find our third bloke holding the back of his head, bleeding like there's no tomorrow. (Head trauma is gonna bleed choke)  So at this point I was like....

So to end the long story, we ended up in the hospital getting my friend's head stapled up, from what could only be a bottle to the head.  I had gotten hit above the brow and had a small lump.  Also I had a shit ton of blood on the back of my new white shirt, which we still don't know where it came from because I didn't get anywhere near Keoki's bloody ass.  The real kicker is that Jon didn't get one scratch on him.  What an ass. 
    All the times we've gone to downtown Fullerton have always been an adventure.  I don't know if I've had a time more fun than when we first discovered the cover band that played Journey songs.  They were easily the best cover band and they really knew how to work the crowd. All the times we went to downtown Fullerton though were always awesome and full of memorable lines, and memorable acts of stupidity.
  The three hour pilgrimage to Jack in The Box, which should have really only taken 45 minutes.  Back when everyone was in dorm life, we thought it would be a good idea to walk to Jack's.  For some reason it took us forever to walk down a hill and cross the street.  The total distance from Jon's place to Jack in The Box was not even a mile.  When we finally make it, we were invited back to our friend's place to eat our bountiful feast there, instead of walking back up the hill.  Our friend was training to be a policeman and thought it would be a good idea to bring a gun out.  Now I left this part of the story out, but we weren't sober.  I'm not an expert on gun safety, but I'm pretty sure that alcohol and firearms aren't a good combination.  Fortunately nothing happened and we ate and got the f*ck out of there.  The walk back was just as long as the first.
    Back when beer gaming was fun, Jon was the ultimate beer pong partner.  We had morals when it came to playing.  Never rack no matter how messed up the setup was.  The one time we racked was the reverse pyramid from the beginning.  For some reason we did very well, and ran house at the Falls.  It might have been from my crazy defense or the fact that we were good at putting a ping pong ball into a cup.  It really didn't matter if we lost or not because wasn't the point to drink anyway? 
   It's gonna be sad when he leaves, but I'll see him when I go home.  It's always more fun when we are back home anyway.  Till then friend, this one's for you.

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