Friday, April 8, 2011

To The Extreme: Part Duex

Quote(s) of The Day


She laughs at my dreams, but I dream about her laughter.

Video(s) of The Day

Who's Coming With Me?!

    OH HEY!!!  Happy Alojah friday world.  I came across something today that made me giddy like a school girl.  THE TOUGH MUDDER!  It's a 10-12 mile obstacle course that pushes you to the extreme.  I really want to participate in this event, but I'm currently on the search for a team of at least six.  I don't know why I want to do this, but the moment I saw what it was I knew I had to participate in it.  Plus it looks like a ton of fun.  Take a look at this video of past events. 

  I think that some of the obstacles are quite ridiculous, but at the same time a test of mental and physical toughness.  They have a section with 10,000 volt live wires that you have to run through hahaha.  It probably hurts for a little bit, but I can see myself laughing for days watching my friends trying to run through it.  I may not be at the peak of my physical prowess, but I believe that I could finish this course.  I really do think that most of my friends could as well.  Either way it would be interesting to find out and yet another story, and memory, to add to the never ending stories of my life. I also want to do stuff like this before I get to old and have no time or energy to do any of this.  If I can gather a team of three I'm going to this and if it's super fun, I might just try and attend the Tough Mudder every year, until my body can't handle it which I hope is a long time from now.   The course layout is pretty intense looking and it looks like it'll bust some balls.  The mystery obstacle will probably be something super crazy like take a bullet in the arm or get hit in the chest with a 95mph fastball from a pitching machine.  Check out the course layout here at this link... course layout
    Every time I watch a video on the Tough Mudder I get pumped up and makes me want to do it even more.  I usually don't get excited about certain things, but when something like this sparks an interest this strong I sure as hell want to go out and do it. 
   So if you're in the Southern Cali area and want to be on a team bound for glory, hit up the comment section and we can ride the magical unicorn of success to the finish line. 

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