Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some Random Facts About Me

Quote(s) of The Day

Smart phones still aren't smarter than gravity.

It's funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say about you.

Video(s) of The Day

Things You Might Not Know 

Oh hey, KungFu Jesus once again.  I don't know if these are going to be interesting facts or make me even weirder than I already am, but here are some things you might not know about me.  
I really love noodles and pasta dishes.  My favorite would have to be fettucine-alfredo with shrimp or chicken.

   It might be weird but I'm not a big fan of spaghetti sauce, so I'd much rather eat spaghetti with no sauce and just plain ol' noodles. I'm not going to make a big fuss over it, but if I could choose to not have sauce over my spaghetti that's what I'd choose.  Also there have only been two things that I've eaten and have not liked after trying them.  I have a very broad food palette that I've learned from my father and his Samoan eating habits, but the two foods I can't seem to put down is natto and baby sea cucumber.  I literally could not even choke it down.  My throat closed up and prevented me from swallowing both of these two items.  I've had my share of interesting foods and those were by far the worst. 
   Something that many might not know about me is I'm a 3rd degree black belt in karate.  My brother and sister stayed with it for a little while longer and are 5th degree black belts or something like that.  I don't know how far I could have gone if I kept up with it, I was a kid when I got it.  It was a pretty fun activity and I had stopped because I started to get into community sports by that time and the class times interfered with my sports practices.
    When I go out I only wear Adidas shoes for casual days.  I wear Nike running shoes, but when it comes to casual wear I only rock the Adidas.  I always have a fresh pair.  I never change to a new pair without first picking up another pair.  I just like the simple style, and they are pretty damn comfortable.
    I am a collector of spoons.  I have a pretty good size amount of collectible spoons from all over the country and from other countries as well.  I'm not sure how this started but because I traveled a lot as a child I just thought I'd buy something to remember the place I was at and it was just an unorthodox thing, rather than something predictable like a postcard or something.  I'd say I have about 200 spoons from all kinds of places.  Kennedy Space Center, Worlds of Fun in Kansas, Cooperstown New York, you name it.  I haven't been very diligent with it lately, but I will more than likely pick it back up if I start traveling a lot again. 
    I taught myself Morse code.  Very useless, but that's what happens when you get bored on a weekend.  I literally learned it in about 3 hours.  I had a pen and paper and listened to dits and dahs (that's what the beep sounds are called) for 3 hours straight writing down all I could remember, and now I can decode words at 23 words per minute, which is fairly slow considering people can decode at 40+ words per minute. You might be saying, "why the hell would you learn that?"  to which I will reply, "don't cry to me when the world goes all nuclear explosion and this is the only way to communicate!"  This is the OG text messaging. 

   Well those are just a few snippets of things that you might not know about me.  I'm always open to
answer any questions.  If you have a question about me just ask it below and I will answer it.  Hope everyone had an amazing day and take care. 

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