Friday, April 1, 2011

My Pet Peeves

Quote(s) of The Day 

Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected.

Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake.

Video(s) of The Day

In light of April fools day, here's two of my all time favorite prank phone calls.


Oh hey.  Happy Aloha Friday.  So today and yesterday there were tons of things that annoyed me, and I took note of what they were.  So I thought I'd give you a glimpse into a dark place which is my mind.  So get a snack or two cause this is going to be a long one.

1)  Loud Eaters-  If you're not eating chips or something crunchy, I do not need to hear your fatness.

2)  Peeing at a Urinal-  When there are more than 2 urinals and someone decides to use the one next to me and the far one is not being used.  I can see if I was using the one in the middle and the other person was forced to use the one next to me, but when the far one isn't being used it kinda upsets me.
3)  Multi-fold Brochures-  When you get a brochure with more than 3 folds and you can never get it folded back the way it should... drives me crazy.

4)  Nosy People-  If I'm not directly talking to you, then it means that you don't need to hear it.

5)  Blister Packaging-  When you put scissors into a blister package, doesn't that defeat the purpose of that purchase.  You need f-ing scissors to get that damn thing open.

6)  Parkers-  When people park in slanted stales facing the opposite direction because they pulled through from the other lane.  It makes no sense to do that.  It's all one way traffic down that lane anyway.

7)  The 1 upper- Dude I get it, instead of eating six double cheese burgers you ate 15.  Cool bro, you killed three hookers instead of one on accident.

8)  Backpacks and Bags- When people have large backpacks are shoulder bags and they turn or back up and they hit you with it cause their stupid heads can't comprehend that they now have a larger area of space that they take up. 
9)   Mariachi Music-  I hate this music, and Mexicans don't realized that when they blast this shit music that they are the only ones that like it.  

10)   Justin Bieber- DIE DEVIL SPAWN!

11)  Toilet Paper- When it's coming from under from behind and not over from the front.  And also when there isn't any on the roll, but clearly another roll.  Just change it out you lazy ass.

12)  Fast Food Customers-  When people take forever to order at a fast food restaurant like McDonalds.  The menu hasn't changed much in the last 100 years.  You're getting a large number "your fat" and hurry up so I can get my vanilla milkshake on.

13) Feet-  I hate when people put their feet on the dash of a car.  I would like to see a small collision that sets off the airbag and their legs fly over their head.

14)  Star Nosed Moles-  Have you seen those things.  Seriously, What the F is that thing anyway.

15)  Favors-  People who are constantly asking you for favors.

16)  Ewww-  When you grab something and there's a foreign substance on it and leaves a sticky or waxy feeling on your hand.

17)  Handi-Fat -  People who think being very fat is a handicap.

18)  Weather Forecast-  I hate when they say there's a 50% chance of rain... Yeah it's either going to rain or not everyday.

19) Cornstarch and Water-  Is it a f-ing solid or a mother f-ing liquid?

20) Children and Parents- Parents who let their child push their way through people and don't teach them to say "excuse me" or they don't apologize for them.  Also please don't put your child on a leash.  If you can't watch your child you shouldn't have had one in the first place. 

21)  Call of Duty- Shitty random kids that would be better if they didn't touch their controller.  I also can't stand losing to terrible teams.  (FYI me and my crew are the best team in Hawaii, just saying)

22)  Forgetting- When I go to the market and I forget to buy something, then remember as soon as I park back at my place.

23)  Justin Bieber-  I really hate that thing.

24)  Birds-  When I'm stuck in traffic, bumper to bumper, and I see a flock of birds flying above.  Why can't that be me...?

25) Cereal-  When I'm at the bottom of the bag of frosted flakes or something, and all the crumbs and cereal powder rushes past the whole solid pieces and turns my milk into a thick sugary paste. 

This is only the tip of the iceberg.  There are other things that annoy me, but I'll save you time and sanity.  I could have gotten really personal about certain things that annoy the hell out of me, but A) I don't want to air out my dirty laundry on a cowardly medium and B) It would pretty boring.  Not saying that this was riveting from the start.  Hope you all enjoy the weekend and be safe.

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