Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Summer is Just Around the Corner.

Quote(s) of The Day

If your snack falls in dog shit I think the 5-second rule should automatically be reduced to 3-seconds.

Video(s) of The Day

Summer Nights

  Oh hey.  Spring was such a let down this year.  Nothing really fun happened and I just want summer to come already.  I came up with a few things that I really want to do when I go back home for summer.  Some of them can be done from my backyard, but I really want to try attempt some of these with some friends and make it a competition of sorts.  Also some of these things are just normal things we do when it's not summer or a break.  Just a typical day kine stuff. 
   For a few years now me and a couple friends always try to take on a hike that isn't the most beautiful hike on the island, but it can be very tiring.  The Kokohead crater hike has always been a challenge, but I want to do it this time because I feel like I'm in excellent shape to tackle this beast with ease.  Maybe even have enough in the tank to do it twice in one go.  I can only imagine that I'll pass out half way through the second round, but I won't know till I try.  I also just want to go hiking.  I've been to my fair share of hikes, but I really want to blaze some trails.  And now that I have an expensive camera I want to use it to its full potential. 
   Another thing I want to do that was just brought up in a random conversation was to make fire by rubbing sticks together, caveman style.  I've never done it before, but I was very close one time at the Polynesian Culture Center.  I had a ton of smoke going but no fire.  I think that with all the time in the world to do it, while camping, I'm sure I could do it.  It's just something that would be fun to try and that is more than likely going to be hilarious.  I'm going to have to brush up on my Bear Grylls to help with this endeavor. 
   The Wednesday night drink-fest.  Hit up Wahoo's at Ward center and drink as much of their Primo as possible and eat a couple fish tacos while we're at it.   The amount of Primo we've drank there is ridiculous and it never gets old.  You can't beat the $6 pitchers and $2 tacos.  I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm sick of the Dave & Busters scene.  Prices are crazy high for a drink and quite frankly I hate seeing some of the people that go there.  If I go there I just try and get bloto (definition here: Bloto)  so I don't realize that I'm still there.   That one time we went Wahoo's then decided to go the Champions was probably the greatest idea ever.  It's not as crazy and we can do something that is also on the list of things I want to do, which is play darts while slightly or completely robot drunk. (If you don't know what "robot drunk" is also check definition at the same site above)
   One of the things I never pass up doing is sitting at one of my favorite places in the world and just watching the night lights.  The calming sound of the water and the crisp air just add to the amazing view.  Grab a few drinks and it's a place I'd never want to leave.  I've never gone home and never not had a relaxing night at this place.  If I ever need to just clear my head and have time to think, I'll get in my car and head over.  It's only a short drive from where I live and I don't have a large enough vocabulary to describe how serene it is.
    I am excited to see my good buddy get married.  One of the main reasons why I'm going home.  It's going to be an exciting day not only for him, but I would hope for everyone.  When I think about it, it makes me happy that we are sorta growing up in a way.  Wedding are usually fun anyway, so it should be awesome.  Good food should be in order as well. It's a celebration!!
   One thing that I always want to do now is eat a oysters when I'm at home.  This started a few years back during a winter break.  My brother-in-law had brought over a huge bag of oysters from Sam's Club.  My father, him, and myself proceed to throw those oysters on the grill and destroy the contents of about three dozen of them.  It's been done every time since then, and I want it to continue and maybe be something that grows into a full blown bbq-fest.
    Since my sister is having a child in a few days I want to spend time with that thing when I'm at home.  I'm gonna slowly melt it's mind into mush.  I also plan to be the drunkle (drunk uncle).  I'm more than likely going to spoil that child and I plan to be the cool uncle.  I'm pretty excited about it and I can't wait to meet my niece. 
   The ol' road trip around the island gag.  It never seems to get old and it's usually one of the more relaxing days when I go home.  Shave ice at Matsumoto's, garlic shrimp from Giovanni's, beaching it on the north shore, what more could you ask for?
   I can't wait to go home and take some pictures.  Mainly because I have acquired a couple packs of Polaroid film.  It was a nightmare trying to obtain it and I have things in mind that I want to use it on.  I gotta be as artistic as possible as to not waste any of the shots.  Each shot costs $3.50, so I have to make it count.  Do I regret spending so much on film? I've only regretted a handful of things in my life and this is not one of them.
   The one thing I want to do the most is just spend time with my family and loved ones.  No matter how much fun I'm having on the mainland or wherever, you can't beat good old fashion family time.  If it's just sitting around telling stories I'm fine with that.  I'm really good at telling stories and I love hearing them as well.  Even with my friends, my favorite thing to do is to just sitting down and telling stories.  I'd much rather do that than anything else on this shitty list.
   So there is just a few of the things I'm really looking forward too during summer.  On to other news, I'm sorry I haven't been as diligent on posting things everyday.  My head has been up in the clouds and I've been pretty busy living life.  I will try to be more responsible in the next few weeks, for there are exciting things right around the corner.  I also want to thank again the people who drop by to read my verbal diarrhea.  Till next time. Laterz

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