Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Want Food!!

Quote(s) of The Day

Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller with every mistake you make.

I felt it shelter to speak to you.  ~Emily Dickinson
Video(s) of The Day

Things I Can't Eat.

     Oh hey everyone.  It's been a couple days, but I'm back.  Since I've been trying this new "eat healthy" thing I look at all the foods I want to eat, but can't.  So since I can't eat these foods, I might as well talk about them, then at the end break down what I'm actually eating.  
    So I'm pretty annoyed at Pizza Hut because they seem to want to torture me with their new Ultimate Stuffed Crust pizza, which is just your normal stuffed crust pizza... with toppings also loaded into the crust.  Every time I see the commercial on T.V. I want to order two of them.  I love stuffed crust pizza, but I'd much rather have a Papa John pizza.  Papa Johns makes amazing quality pizza for a commercial pizzeria.  They make amazing pizzas and to set them apart from the rest is their awesome garlic sauce.  I don't stray to far from the trite and true toppings of Italian sausage and mushroom, but when you have a garlic sauce like they do, you can afford to experiment with topping and still have an amazing pizza.  
   The next thing I hate to give up is burgers.  I love fast food and what's more fast food than burgers?  Nothing is the answer to that rhetorical question.  I am a sucker for the 4x4 at In-N-Out.

 I simply can't get by on just a double double, so I go big with the 4x4 and you can't forget the animal style fries.

  Any type of fries you need to use a fork to eat, is more than likely not going to be good for you.  If you don't like hamburgers you are unpatriotic and will be shunned accordingly.  I do love other burger joints such as McDonalds and Jack In The Box, but in terms of quality you can't beat In-N-Out.  
    One thing that I've been craving for a while now is a good ol California burrito. 

I had never heard of these till about a year ago, and let me tell you, these were handcrafted by the Gods themselves.  What it is, is an order of carne asade fries wrapped up with all the making of a standard burrito.  The first time I was told of this marvelous invention I knew I had to try one and it did not disappoint.   It may not be authentic Mexican food, but it sure feels dirty when I eat it. 
    So one of the big things I needed to give up was drinking.  I would be drinking every weekend, and that would be no bueno.  It wouldn't get out of control drinking (only a couple times) but it's definitely not healthy for body and mind.  It was mostly beer and sometimes Crown Royal, but they were just empty calories and mostly at the end of the day where I was the least active.  
     So I've started to try and lose 20-25 lbs. and it doesn't come easy.  The food choices aren't as good when you're cutting weight.  I've been eating mostly salads (Cobb salads are awesome), ground turkey, and tons of fruits and vegetables.  They thing that sucks most about this is that the portions are tiny and I get hungry very very fast.  I just hope all this pays off in the end, and I have my reasons for doing this that no one knows of.  I mean I want to be healthier, but there are other reasons why I'm going through all this trouble.  So far my progress has been good, and I'm seeing results.  I hope that when I go home during summer I can keep up and not fall prey to the deliciousness of the foods back home. 
   So I have the game for the contest and I will post it when I get 1000 views.  It will test peoples guessing skills.  Keep on the lookout for that soon.  And hopefully soon this blog will get an overhaul with another new look and another section of the blog posted from someone else.  So until next time take care everyone.

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