Friday, April 29, 2011

A Luau and Concert Ridden Weekend.

Quote(s) of The Day

 Obstacles are what you see, when you lose sight of your goal.

Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.

Courage is the mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

Video(s) of The Day

 Let's Try Get Some Distractions Going

   Oh hey... I am not really in the mood to try and be funny so I'm just gonna tell you what I have planned for this weekend.  I am going to head down to UC Irvine and get a quick boxing session in with a buddy of mine.  Then I'm going to attend their luau Saturday night, eat some food that isn't part of my diet, and hopefully enjoy an entertaining show.  Then on Sunday I'm going to go see SOJA at the House Of Blues in Anaheim.  It should be a good weekend to clear my mind a little bit.  I hope to see some faces I haven't seen in a while and catch up a little bit.  For people who aren't familiar with SOJA I'm going to post some of my favorite songs that they have.  They aren't like the last band I posted, Katchafire, but they are a very good band and one of my favorites.  So enjoy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Want Food!!

Quote(s) of The Day

Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller with every mistake you make.

I felt it shelter to speak to you.  ~Emily Dickinson
Video(s) of The Day

Things I Can't Eat.

     Oh hey everyone.  It's been a couple days, but I'm back.  Since I've been trying this new "eat healthy" thing I look at all the foods I want to eat, but can't.  So since I can't eat these foods, I might as well talk about them, then at the end break down what I'm actually eating.  
    So I'm pretty annoyed at Pizza Hut because they seem to want to torture me with their new Ultimate Stuffed Crust pizza, which is just your normal stuffed crust pizza... with toppings also loaded into the crust.  Every time I see the commercial on T.V. I want to order two of them.  I love stuffed crust pizza, but I'd much rather have a Papa John pizza.  Papa Johns makes amazing quality pizza for a commercial pizzeria.  They make amazing pizzas and to set them apart from the rest is their awesome garlic sauce.  I don't stray to far from the trite and true toppings of Italian sausage and mushroom, but when you have a garlic sauce like they do, you can afford to experiment with topping and still have an amazing pizza.  
   The next thing I hate to give up is burgers.  I love fast food and what's more fast food than burgers?  Nothing is the answer to that rhetorical question.  I am a sucker for the 4x4 at In-N-Out.

 I simply can't get by on just a double double, so I go big with the 4x4 and you can't forget the animal style fries.

  Any type of fries you need to use a fork to eat, is more than likely not going to be good for you.  If you don't like hamburgers you are unpatriotic and will be shunned accordingly.  I do love other burger joints such as McDonalds and Jack In The Box, but in terms of quality you can't beat In-N-Out.  
    One thing that I've been craving for a while now is a good ol California burrito. 

I had never heard of these till about a year ago, and let me tell you, these were handcrafted by the Gods themselves.  What it is, is an order of carne asade fries wrapped up with all the making of a standard burrito.  The first time I was told of this marvelous invention I knew I had to try one and it did not disappoint.   It may not be authentic Mexican food, but it sure feels dirty when I eat it. 
    So one of the big things I needed to give up was drinking.  I would be drinking every weekend, and that would be no bueno.  It wouldn't get out of control drinking (only a couple times) but it's definitely not healthy for body and mind.  It was mostly beer and sometimes Crown Royal, but they were just empty calories and mostly at the end of the day where I was the least active.  
     So I've started to try and lose 20-25 lbs. and it doesn't come easy.  The food choices aren't as good when you're cutting weight.  I've been eating mostly salads (Cobb salads are awesome), ground turkey, and tons of fruits and vegetables.  They thing that sucks most about this is that the portions are tiny and I get hungry very very fast.  I just hope all this pays off in the end, and I have my reasons for doing this that no one knows of.  I mean I want to be healthier, but there are other reasons why I'm going through all this trouble.  So far my progress has been good, and I'm seeing results.  I hope that when I go home during summer I can keep up and not fall prey to the deliciousness of the foods back home. 
   So I have the game for the contest and I will post it when I get 1000 views.  It will test peoples guessing skills.  Keep on the lookout for that soon.  And hopefully soon this blog will get an overhaul with another new look and another section of the blog posted from someone else.  So until next time take care everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Travels!

Quote(s) of The Day

Enjoy the little things in life, because one day, you'll look back and realize they were actually the big things.
Video(s) of The Day

  Contest Hint:

    Oh hey.  So here's a hint for the upcoming contest. 
If you know what that is it'll be easier for you.  If not, kick rocks homie.

All Around The World

  Oh hey again.  Happy Aloha Friday once again!  So here we are now, and I'm going to talk about my travels and what fun things I've done while there.  I have some of the best memories from traveling, and I wouldn't have been able to do it if I never played baseball and for my loving parents.  These trips were baseball tournaments and some were better than others, in terms of how we did in the tournament and how much fun we had when we weren't playing ball.  I was a part of an AAU baseball club and we were comprised of players all over Oahu.  The first tournament we went to was held in Kansas.  I didn't really know what was in store for me on this trip.  First off my reaction to being on a traveling team was pure excitement.  I felt like it would be a great experience and who wouldn't want to travel across the US and play ball?  When it was time to play, I remember that the fields we played on were softball fields and they were an all dirt field.  For our first tournament as a newly put together team we did alright.  We didn't win that tournament, but I do remember stuff that happened after we got knocked out.  Kansas isn't exactly a attraction heavy state, they did however have Wizard of Oz merchandise in every store you walked into.  We did however end up at an amusement park called World of Fun.

  I don't know about "worlds" of fun, but it was fun.  Roller coasters and games everywhere.  It's like a bigger more ride oriented Knott's Berry Farm.  It was a pretty big place considering that they probably don't generate a huge amount of revenue.  Right next to it was their water park, Oceans of Fun.  We didn't get to go there because no one was dressed to get wet, but let me tell you it would have been the best decision to just rush it in jeans cause it was hot as sh*t.  You got instant magnet balls and swamp ass.  If you don't know what that is don't worry about it.  One thing I remember was one of the rides we we're going to go on was called the Mamba.  It was a roller coaster with an initial drop of 205 ft. and the thing that sketched me out the most was that it broke down right before we rode it.  One of the wheels on the cart was coming loose and so they shut it down for about 30 minutes.  At that point I was having second thoughts about going on it.  They got it running again, and we all went on it.  Another great memory I had of this trip was back at our hotel.  It was setup like a small apartment complex and there was a pool in the middle.  During our down time we were just hanging out by the pool and no one but our team was using it.  Then out of nowhere these two older girls came to the pool and started hanging out with us and talking with us.  We kept trying to get them in the pool, and one of them threw caution into the wind and jumped in... with her jeans and shirt.  Caught us all off guard and we were all like,
They kept coming around and hanging out with us when we were back at the hotel.  One of our teammates was trying to DG (drop game) on them super hard. 
    The next trip we went on was to Minnesota.  This trip was a little different.  We had a host family that would take us places of interest and make sure we knew where we were going.  They were the nicest people in the world and they had the biggest house and property I've ever seen.  The had a two story house and their backyard had a garden, basketball court, 50 yard football field, trampoline, and behind the tall grass past the football field was a lake.   Weird thing about it was that the boy in the family didn't have nice shoes.  They were all beaten up and had holes in them.  I found that to be weird, because they had all this money to spend on outdoor activities, but they couldn't afford new sneakers for the kid, but I digress.  The tournament, again, didn't turn out in our favor.  We did however win the sportsmanship award for being the nicest team in the tournament.  We didn't get crushed in the tournament, but we just didn't win.  After we lost, we had free time again.  We ended up going to the Mall of America, the largest mall in the world.

  It was massive.  We didn't get to see the whole mall in one day, mainly because of the size, but also because it had a mini amusement park in the center of the mall.  The parents went around the mall shopping while the kids wasted time at the amusement park.  It was Camp Snoopy when we went, but upon looking at their website it has changed to Nickelodean Universe.  That trip was good fun.
    Next up we went to the baseball capital of the world which was by far the craziest trip ever.  We went to Cooperstown, New York. 

Where the baseball hall of fame lies and let me tell you about the town.  Every store in on the main street was baseball items.  If you weren't selling baseball cards or autographed baseball helmets, you were selling custom made baseball bats.  (Those were awesome)  So this tournament was quite different from the other ones were participated in, mainly because we were awesome.  We slept on the premises of the tournament in big metal cabins and literally the beds were bunk cots.  For it being summer time it was still relatively cold, but manageable.  We played a gamut of teams, even another team from Hawaii, which we killed.  I will never forget this one team we played against called The Dream Eagles.  They were the youngest team in the tournament and they were in our bracket.  We ran through them with a score of 30-1.  One inning the pitcher on the other team left his batting helmet on because "We were hitting to hard."  Bless their hearts they were trying, but you gotta feel slightly bad about it.  So the rest of the tournament we run through the competition and make it all the way to the championship game.  The crazy thing about it too was the fan base we had acquired during the tournament.  During the meal before the game, all the teams met in the food tent, (Where we were served our cafeteria type food)  and the tournament director came and was announcing what time the game started and who the two teams were.  When we were announced that we were in the championship game, the whole tent erupted in a "Hawaii" chant.  They were all rooting for us.  Unfortunately the final game didn't turn out in our favor.  I can't remember the score, but it was something like 5-2.  It was a heart breaking game, but our team however did manage to get into the youth baseball hall of fame.  Also we got to visit the real baseball hall of fame.  It was a very nice museum with tons of stats and history.  I had gotten super sick during the end of this trip, but that couldn't slow us down because we had another tournament right after in Florida.
    As soon as we were done with the tournament in New York, we had another tournament right after in Florida.  The tournament was held at the Disney World Sports Complex inside the Disney World resort.  The fields were amazing and the atmosphere was crazy.  Another thing that I will never forget was the deadly humidity there.  It was so muggy it was uncomfortable even just sitting in the shade.  Also the weather changed so fast.  One minute it's a nice day, then the next it's thunder storming.  I think we were just a little to burned out from the last tournament and from traveling that we didn't do well.  We won a couple games, but got knocked out pretty early.  That was cool with me because that meant more free time to explore Disney World.  That place is like another country.  They is just so much to do and see that it's a little overwhelming at times, but still always fun.  We also got to go to the Kennedy Space center which was f*cking cool as Hell.
I'm a huge space nerd and to be somewhere where they actually launch stuff into space was just cool to me.  We got to see parts of the ISS (International Space Station) being built and we even got to stand next to a space shuttle.  It was an overall amazing experience and I would love to go back there, maybe just go back to Florida to experience it all over again.
    I will never forget these travels and I left out a bunch of stuff because there was just to many memories to type out.  I'd be happy to tell anyone about the things I left out if you ever wanted to hear them.  I'm like a kid with an extra chromosome, down.  Well I hope that everyone is having an awesome day, and I hope you also have an amazing weekend.  Take care and till next time. Laterz.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Favorite Gump-isms

Quote(s) of The Day

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Video(s) of The Day

Words Of Wisdom

    Oh hey everyone!  I just want to start off by saying congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law on their beautiful baby girl, and my niece, Kira Lani Darling.  I can't wait to go home and meet her!  Also I would like to be called uncle from now on.
   Now on to the post.  So one of the more fun things to do when hanging out with a few of my friends is to use Forrest Gump quotes in every day life.  They might not even fit the situation or we might not even be talking about anything at all, but somehow a Gump-ism will appear from the blackness of time and space.  In my opinion they never get old and the more obscure the quote is the funnier it is.  For example when you use the "But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan" line, it's always a winner.

  This next Gump-ism is a great one and makes me laugh still.  The scene where Forrest is recovering from being shot in the buttock and is next to Lt. Dan.  He offer him ice cream and well, just check out the clip.

   This next one is just a sound clip, but when you use this one it's pretty deep and metaphorical.  It's such a classic line and this is what I mean when I say obscure lines that aren't mainstream lines of the movie like, "Stupid is as stupid does" or "life is like a box of chocolates...."

    This next Gump-ism, well there are a few, but the lines in particular are the, "we would take these real long walks, and we were always looking for this guy named Charlie." and "...Get down and shut up..."  Literally the first minute into this next clip has some of the best Gump-isms.  The whole scene is actually very good, so enjoy it and the many quotes that are associated with this part.  Even the rain scene in this part has awesome quotes.  

    A wise man always invests in a fruit company.  It'll make you a gazillionaire

   If you haven't seen Forrest Gump you are doing yourself a disservice and you will pay for your crimes against humanity.  I highly recommend that you watch it and try not to fall in love with the dialogue and the memorable quotes.  Also there is a very heart felt story to it all.  If you ever want an uplifting movie that you can watch over and over again, this is the movie for you.  Nothing flashy about it, just a good story and some damn fine acting.  (Tom Hanks never goes full retard)  You might even shed a tear.  If you don't believe me one of the best scenes in the movie, and one of the saddest, is this one.

   I know I missed some classic lines, like " I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party" or "If I was going somewhere, I was running!" but I just don't have the time to search everywhere for them.  You should just watch the film and relive your favorite line(s).  I'd like to know what your favorite Gump-ism is, so hit up the comment section below and let me know.  
   So I know I said something about a contest a few weeks back and that is still coming.  I know I said it would be simple, but I kinda like a challenge.  So I will be making a small game out of it and people who read the Shore Break808 when it's first posted will have more time to figure the puzzle out.  Everyone will have a fair-ish enough advantage at the prize.  Here's a hint, if you have a smart phone you will have an easier time. (Not needed, but will greatly increase your chances)  So stay tuned to the next installment of the SHORE BREAK 808 HAPPY HOUR! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Aquarium Madness

Quote(s) of The Day
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him do a backflip.

If somebody's presence does not add value to your life..Then their absence should make no difference.
Video(s) of The Day

Swimming In a Hobby

    Oh hey.  I was thinking about certain things and how much fun it was to have a big fish tank.  It was a fun hobby and it was pretty exciting watching your hard work thrive and grow. It started off with just some starter fish like guppies and comets, but soon got more advanced with cichlids and different types of arowana.  If I could afford the maintenance and a brand new 50 gal tank I'd start it up again.  I would also set it up with fish that I really want.  Let me run you through some of the fish I had and some of the fish I would've loved to have.
    Oscars are very easy to raise and very easy to get.  Almost all pet stores that sell fish will have a type of cichlid and more than likely it will be an oscar.  I had both an albino tiger oscar and a regular tiger oscar.  They were very entertaining to watch because they were carnivorous and curiously fast for their size.

  Other fish I had were just filler fish to make the tank look a little more active and appealing.  Plus they had to had some size to them so the oscars and arowana didn't eat them.  They ranged from gouramis to bala sharks.  I also had clown loaches and a pleco to clean up the bottom.


Bala Shark
Clown Loaches


    The fish that I had a rough time with were also the most expensive.  They were so damn strong and one of them literally jump up knocked my tank lid completely off and then proceeded to leap out of the tank and kill itself.  I had a silver Arowana and a Jardini Arowana not at the same time, but they were a handful and they were very difficult to own.  The silvers were hard cause they were so damn fragile when they are juveniles.  The Jardini on the other hand are just to strong for its own good and was ultimately his downfall. 
Silver Arowana


   The one type of fish I really wanted was Red-line Torpedo barbs.  I really wanted them but they were pack fish and I wasn't going to spend $45 for one.  I'd have to get at least 3-4 or them and I didn't want to spend that type of money for them to die on me.  

    If I ever have enough money to purchase another 50 gallon tank I'm going to start it up again.  I might try get some exotic fish or since I live so close to the beach maybe just start a salt water tank.  It's so much fun to just sit and watch them. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

With A Meaning

Quote(s) of The Day

If you don't go after it, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you'll always be in the same place.

Video(s) of The Day
Where do I sign up?

Songs I've Been Stuck On

    Oh hey.  I've been jamming a few songs lately that I just can't stop listening to.  Some are new hits that everyone knows and some are forgotten gems.  Also some of the local songs from Hawaii that are always amazing.  Music is always a good way to get lost and a good way to relax and think things through.  Sometimes the lyrics are exactly how you feel and sometimes it's like they sang it specifically for your life.  Have you ever just put music on for hours and just reflected on things in your life?  The things is it's either going to transport you to your own world or bring you back to reality.   Either way, listening to music is a new experience every time.
    This first song is just catchy as all Hell and it's getting praise from all my friends and they are quite right.  I have been a Lupe Fiasco fan since back in the Kick Push days back in 2006, and even saw him perform his new single Super Star before his album had dropped.  This new jam is just as catchy as his other stuff and I'm digging it.
  This next song came up while searching for something else but I had never heard it ever before.  I thought that I had heard my share of Michael Jackson songs, but this one slipped under the radar somehow.  It is a very strong song and though I wouldn't put it near the top 10 best Michael Jackson songs it's still better than most of them.   Also don't mind the terrible video, it's the song that matters.  

   On May 1st I plan to be hearing this next song live and I am super pumped for that.  SOJA day on this blog will come just like Katchafire day.  The styles are different, but SOJA is heavier in terms of the lyrics.  Just listen to this and fall in love with this band.

Ok this next song I have given the title of sexiest song ever.  There's a reason that I find this song super hot, but that's for me to know.  I'm not the biggest Anuhea fan or actually I'm not one at all, but she knocks this song out of the park.  If she was better looking I'd probably never stop playing this song. 
   To keep the local jams going you can't ever go wrong with J Boog. He's been pumping out some good songs lately.  Literally all of them have been good.  I can't wait to see him headline SOJA along with the Green. Here's one of his songs that I've been listening to a lot as of late.

   This next song is a little mushy, but it makes me miss home a lot.  Only thing about it I don't like is that most of Michael Bublé's music sounds the same, but it's really the lyrics in this one.  

   Can we agree that Talib Kweli and Mos Def  are two of the greatest rappers and hip hop artists ever.  I remember that my sister was a Kweli fan before me, and she bought me a ticket to a concert at Pipeline cafe in 2006.  We had gotten there early and stood literally right in the front, up against the stage.  It was an amazing concert and since then I've been a huge Talib fan.  I've been a Mos Def fan for a while, and he is pretty funny as an actor, if you don't believe me watch Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.  Both of their beats are sick and his rhymes are fresh.  Just check out a few of their songs.

    Ok ok so this post is sorta boring and I know that cause I was bored writing it.  Hopefully you can enjoy this next song and have a little chuckle.  

Alright, I'm just gonna put up all the songs that I have open at the moment.  I would apologize for the terribleness of this post, but I could really care less how bad it is at this point.  I appreciate you still for making your way through this mess of a post.  I will try and make it up to everyone in the next one... don't hold your breath though cause who knows what the topic will be about.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Hell Happened Last Night? Oh There's Pictures....

Quote(s) of The Day

In order for people to be happy, sometimes they have to take risks. It's true these risks can put them in danger of being hurt.

Video(s) of The Day
I love being Japanese

Let The Games Begin!

   Oh hey.  Happy Aloha Friday again my favorite Shore Break readers and a few others.  Wednesday night was a good idea on paper but soon got out of control fast.  Let me run you through the game plan of what was suppose to happen last night.  I didn't have work, because they are setting up the race track for the Long Beach grand prix and business was slow and they had closed down the streets.  So I was going to go to Irvine and meet up with my friend Jon and go lifting with him, then after that figure out what we were going to do for the night.  That did not happen at all.  There was no lifting and we just decided to go to Yardhouse and have a few Gulden Draaks, which is a beer that is 10.2% alcohol and its served in their smaller goblet size because they are not allowed to serve it by the pint.  It was Jon, Keoki, myself, and Elyse would be joining us later. So it started with the hostess girl.  We were getting seated and it was at a table, so we requested a booth instead and she gave us this look of "why?" The booth was smaller, meaning we would be sitting closer to each other and it must have been suspect that three guys would want to sit closer to each other.  Elyse soon joined us and it didn't look so awkward because there was a female presence with us.  We ordered and ate six appetizers that ranged from nachos to fried calamari and me mates all had two beers each.  At the end we ordered the trio sampler dessert which is always a good call.  At this point I'm feeling the alcohol, my ability to drink any type of alcohol is doo doo, but the journey continues.  It was still early and we were going to go to Dave and Busters to night cap it, but to our dismay they were closed.  Plan B was now in motion, go home and drink, but not before our little photo shoot outside of Yardhouse.

    We get back to Keoki's pad, crash on the couches and there is a bottle of Crown Royal sitting on the coffee table.  It was looking at us funny so we decided to show it who was in charge.  It was decided that getting a cup of ice and some cola would be to much trouble, so we just popped off the pour spout and took turns taking swigs.  It got a little brutal and so we had to zip up our purses, take off our stilettos, get up and grab a few coca colas, but still it was brutal.  It's at this point it's starting to get sloppy.  I don't know how the push-up contest was initiated but the challenge was accepted and somehow our shirts came off for it. 

  Don't ask about it, cause I can't give you an answer.  So next up on the things to do, was to drink more and throw out yet another challenge.  For some reason I told Jon that I could get him in a twister submission, then came the MMA grapple match.  There were many attempts and many different submissions by Jon, but he couldn't figure out how to sink them in.  The arm bar attempt was completely wrong and the triangle lock was to far for him to actually choke me out.  It didn't help either that I was able to bicep curl Jon's body when he was attempting the triangle. 

   The night pretty much ended after the wrestling match, simply because it drained all the energy out of both of us, and it was 4 A.M..  For some reason Jon was still very intoxicated the next morning and was hanging for a good portion of the next day.  Overall it was a good night and was a lot of fun.  The best part was the great pictures and the laughs.  If you don't believe me when I said how drunk Jon was just take a look at this
   It was yet another awesome night to add to the long list of stories of my life.  These types of nights never get old and I just wish that they could always be like this.  Just having a blast without a care in the world.  Well it's about that time to wrap this up and start the weekend off right.  Take care everyone, enjoy the day, and have an exciting weekend!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It Was Fun.

Quote(s) of The Day

Friends are like shoes. We look for good-looking ones. But at the end, we choose the ones we feel comfortable with.

Video(s) of The Day

  Oh hey world.  This is going to be a post about one of my good friends.  He is going to be leaving California and going back home to beautiful Hawaii.  Let me be the first to say, you lucky bastard.  Also I will miss ya buddy.  This is going to be recapping some of the more memorable moments that I can remember with him.
   The one big moment I can remember that I'm sure everyone has heard already, was the big brawl on Halloween night a few years back.  It was such a debacle that I can never forget it.  We were invited to a huge raging Halloween party and we didn't really know to many of the people there.  It started off like any other Halloween kegger, drunk people everywhere dressed in the most ridiculous costumes possible, having a good time.  All of a sudden some Asian "thugs" thought they could come in and run shit by pushing their way through the party.  Unfortunately they pushed the wrong people while trying to look tough.  When they pushed Jon out of the way that's when it began.  Jon wasn't going to put up with their shit and they didn't like that.  Word of advice, if you want to "get your boys" make sure they aren't huge pussies.  So the kid leaves to get his boys, and Jon proceeds to find me and tell me to take off my costume, which was an amazing wizard costume.  I really didn't think anything was going to happen because it was A) in Irvine and B) people always talk shit and never do anything about it.  So I'm slowly taking off the costume thinking nothing's gonna happen when these guys start to get in Jon's face.  In an instant shit hits the fan and it's a banger.  I toss my costume to the girls we were with and I get in the mix.  Me, Jon, and Keoki all doing our thing.  Jon is wrestling some guy who is trying to go for a leg sweep or something, then the victim of the night was coming from behind Jon.  He was trying to grab up on Jon, so I made an executive decision to protect Jon and destroy that kids face.  In hind sight he could have been trying to break it up, but in my mind he was trying to cause harm to my boy.  So me and Jon both proceed to take out two guys each.  We both had RNC-ed two guys.  By this time the room that we were in had completely cleared out, leaving only the screams from outside to be heard.  We go outside to find our third bloke holding the back of his head, bleeding like there's no tomorrow. (Head trauma is gonna bleed choke)  So at this point I was like....

So to end the long story, we ended up in the hospital getting my friend's head stapled up, from what could only be a bottle to the head.  I had gotten hit above the brow and had a small lump.  Also I had a shit ton of blood on the back of my new white shirt, which we still don't know where it came from because I didn't get anywhere near Keoki's bloody ass.  The real kicker is that Jon didn't get one scratch on him.  What an ass. 
    All the times we've gone to downtown Fullerton have always been an adventure.  I don't know if I've had a time more fun than when we first discovered the cover band that played Journey songs.  They were easily the best cover band and they really knew how to work the crowd. All the times we went to downtown Fullerton though were always awesome and full of memorable lines, and memorable acts of stupidity.
  The three hour pilgrimage to Jack in The Box, which should have really only taken 45 minutes.  Back when everyone was in dorm life, we thought it would be a good idea to walk to Jack's.  For some reason it took us forever to walk down a hill and cross the street.  The total distance from Jon's place to Jack in The Box was not even a mile.  When we finally make it, we were invited back to our friend's place to eat our bountiful feast there, instead of walking back up the hill.  Our friend was training to be a policeman and thought it would be a good idea to bring a gun out.  Now I left this part of the story out, but we weren't sober.  I'm not an expert on gun safety, but I'm pretty sure that alcohol and firearms aren't a good combination.  Fortunately nothing happened and we ate and got the f*ck out of there.  The walk back was just as long as the first.
    Back when beer gaming was fun, Jon was the ultimate beer pong partner.  We had morals when it came to playing.  Never rack no matter how messed up the setup was.  The one time we racked was the reverse pyramid from the beginning.  For some reason we did very well, and ran house at the Falls.  It might have been from my crazy defense or the fact that we were good at putting a ping pong ball into a cup.  It really didn't matter if we lost or not because wasn't the point to drink anyway? 
   It's gonna be sad when he leaves, but I'll see him when I go home.  It's always more fun when we are back home anyway.  Till then friend, this one's for you.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Summer is Just Around the Corner.

Quote(s) of The Day

If your snack falls in dog shit I think the 5-second rule should automatically be reduced to 3-seconds.

Video(s) of The Day

Summer Nights

  Oh hey.  Spring was such a let down this year.  Nothing really fun happened and I just want summer to come already.  I came up with a few things that I really want to do when I go back home for summer.  Some of them can be done from my backyard, but I really want to try attempt some of these with some friends and make it a competition of sorts.  Also some of these things are just normal things we do when it's not summer or a break.  Just a typical day kine stuff. 
   For a few years now me and a couple friends always try to take on a hike that isn't the most beautiful hike on the island, but it can be very tiring.  The Kokohead crater hike has always been a challenge, but I want to do it this time because I feel like I'm in excellent shape to tackle this beast with ease.  Maybe even have enough in the tank to do it twice in one go.  I can only imagine that I'll pass out half way through the second round, but I won't know till I try.  I also just want to go hiking.  I've been to my fair share of hikes, but I really want to blaze some trails.  And now that I have an expensive camera I want to use it to its full potential. 
   Another thing I want to do that was just brought up in a random conversation was to make fire by rubbing sticks together, caveman style.  I've never done it before, but I was very close one time at the Polynesian Culture Center.  I had a ton of smoke going but no fire.  I think that with all the time in the world to do it, while camping, I'm sure I could do it.  It's just something that would be fun to try and that is more than likely going to be hilarious.  I'm going to have to brush up on my Bear Grylls to help with this endeavor. 
   The Wednesday night drink-fest.  Hit up Wahoo's at Ward center and drink as much of their Primo as possible and eat a couple fish tacos while we're at it.   The amount of Primo we've drank there is ridiculous and it never gets old.  You can't beat the $6 pitchers and $2 tacos.  I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm sick of the Dave & Busters scene.  Prices are crazy high for a drink and quite frankly I hate seeing some of the people that go there.  If I go there I just try and get bloto (definition here: Bloto)  so I don't realize that I'm still there.   That one time we went Wahoo's then decided to go the Champions was probably the greatest idea ever.  It's not as crazy and we can do something that is also on the list of things I want to do, which is play darts while slightly or completely robot drunk. (If you don't know what "robot drunk" is also check definition at the same site above)
   One of the things I never pass up doing is sitting at one of my favorite places in the world and just watching the night lights.  The calming sound of the water and the crisp air just add to the amazing view.  Grab a few drinks and it's a place I'd never want to leave.  I've never gone home and never not had a relaxing night at this place.  If I ever need to just clear my head and have time to think, I'll get in my car and head over.  It's only a short drive from where I live and I don't have a large enough vocabulary to describe how serene it is.
    I am excited to see my good buddy get married.  One of the main reasons why I'm going home.  It's going to be an exciting day not only for him, but I would hope for everyone.  When I think about it, it makes me happy that we are sorta growing up in a way.  Wedding are usually fun anyway, so it should be awesome.  Good food should be in order as well. It's a celebration!!
   One thing that I always want to do now is eat a oysters when I'm at home.  This started a few years back during a winter break.  My brother-in-law had brought over a huge bag of oysters from Sam's Club.  My father, him, and myself proceed to throw those oysters on the grill and destroy the contents of about three dozen of them.  It's been done every time since then, and I want it to continue and maybe be something that grows into a full blown bbq-fest.
    Since my sister is having a child in a few days I want to spend time with that thing when I'm at home.  I'm gonna slowly melt it's mind into mush.  I also plan to be the drunkle (drunk uncle).  I'm more than likely going to spoil that child and I plan to be the cool uncle.  I'm pretty excited about it and I can't wait to meet my niece. 
   The ol' road trip around the island gag.  It never seems to get old and it's usually one of the more relaxing days when I go home.  Shave ice at Matsumoto's, garlic shrimp from Giovanni's, beaching it on the north shore, what more could you ask for?
   I can't wait to go home and take some pictures.  Mainly because I have acquired a couple packs of Polaroid film.  It was a nightmare trying to obtain it and I have things in mind that I want to use it on.  I gotta be as artistic as possible as to not waste any of the shots.  Each shot costs $3.50, so I have to make it count.  Do I regret spending so much on film? I've only regretted a handful of things in my life and this is not one of them.
   The one thing I want to do the most is just spend time with my family and loved ones.  No matter how much fun I'm having on the mainland or wherever, you can't beat good old fashion family time.  If it's just sitting around telling stories I'm fine with that.  I'm really good at telling stories and I love hearing them as well.  Even with my friends, my favorite thing to do is to just sitting down and telling stories.  I'd much rather do that than anything else on this shitty list.
   So there is just a few of the things I'm really looking forward too during summer.  On to other news, I'm sorry I haven't been as diligent on posting things everyday.  My head has been up in the clouds and I've been pretty busy living life.  I will try to be more responsible in the next few weeks, for there are exciting things right around the corner.  I also want to thank again the people who drop by to read my verbal diarrhea.  Till next time. Laterz

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time To Relax Little Bit.

Quote(s) of The Day


What is love? Love is when one person knows all of your secrets... your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows... and yet in the end, that one person does not think any less of you; even if the rest of the world does.

Video(s) of The Day

Enjoying Life!

   Oh hey lovely internets.  I'm going to have a very relaxing day, hopefully full of laughs and good times, but on to today's mind melding topic.  Do you ever have the feeling that there isn't a care in the world?  Or the feeling that you know everything will be fine?  Well for me, I'm hovering right around that area.  I feel great about things and I can only imagine that it's going to get better.  Let me tell you about the turning point and things that happened even yesterday.  So I was in a pretty bad place mentally for a short while, things just weren't going my way, and I felt cheated on life.  Certain aspects of my life held a heavy burden on my heart and really took a toll on me for some reason.  (Well I know the reason, but that's getting too personal)  Weeks later me and a few friends bought tickets to a reggae concert and it could have been the alcohol or just perfect timing, but we were all having an amazing time and I was tired from all the skanking, so I decided to take a seat to rest a little bit.  The band then started playing Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.  As they jammed that song, I looked up at my friends and they were having the time of their lives.  The expressions on their faces and the joy they were having was really a sight to see.  If you had seen what I saw, you would've felt the same way I did.  A sudden wave of content and humility washed over me and at that moment you knew that the lyrics in the song couldn't be more true about life, "Every little thing is gonna be alright."  I, no bullshit, got teary eyed and choked up by that moment.  That image that I saw will never be forgotten for the rest of my life.  
   The moment that happened yesterday was when I was talking with a close friend of mine.  Let me fill you in with some background fast kine.  So I had made a list of 100 things that would/have/had made me happy a few weeks ago.  These things could have been tangible, intangible, real, fake, just something that brings happiness.  It's not easy and I implore you to try write 100 things that make you happy.  Genuine things, not stupid things like doughnuts or something, unless doughnuts are the one thing that brings you happiness.  So back on point.  We were talking about it and she wanted to see it, but I have things on the list that are personal and could jeopardize certain things...  many things would be wrong by me showing her the full list.  I would love to show her and everyone else in the world, but like I said it just wouldn't be a good idea.  I however looked at all of them, all 100.  I laughed at a few, smiled at some, even changed some.  The numbers 100-45 are pretty amusing and right on point with what I find joy in.  The closer I get to the number one thing I get a feeling of complete bliss.  I have to remind myself sometimes that I can't physically possess some of those items.  The top five things on the list are things that have already happened in my life but brought more happiness in my life than anything ever has.  They are things that are rare in today's world, even down right one of a kind.  That's the only glimpse you'll get of that list.  Sorry if you thought I was going just dump the list on here.  I'm not that foolish... well.... no I'm not.  What I'm getting at is that even by looking at my list brought some type of smile to my horrid looking face.  Having a list that is constantly growing or being changed just reminds me of all the great things my life has to offer.  I really think that everyone should think of even 10 things that makes them happy.  If they aren't too personal, I'd like to read what some of you thought of.  Post them in the comments section if you want to.  Maybe if the right time presents itself I will post my list too.  Only time can answer if I will or not, but for now I suggest for everyone to enjoy life and be happy.  There are to many things that can keep you down, so find that glimmer of light to keep you going.  Well I've spilled my thoughts on this blog long enough today, so I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend.  Till next time Happy Hour readers!